October 15, 1945 Rev. James W. Workman 740 Rush Street Chicago 11, Illinois Dear Rev. Workman: I am sending you the Jayhaiig Rebound which I promised you at the Conference Dinner at Salina. It was a great pleasure to have this fine visit with you. Only wish that we nadld have had a longer time to chew the fat over so many important discussions. : This Jaylurak Rebound is rather a Lengthly thing, Doctor. It almost competes with Montgomery Ward's catalogue but I believe that you will get the idea that we weee trying to write something that would be interesting to our boys. Therefore, we have discussed sports. I have a football yarn in it. I recall the days when I formerly coached football here at the University. Many names will not be familiar to you but maybé you will like the football nem With all good wishes. I an, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach FCA: Lif Inc, JR