March 6, 1946 Mre Carl I. Winsor 602 Schweter Builéing Wichita, Kansas Dear Sandys : T am awfully sorry that you came in just at, the time I was getting ready to speak to our assembly of basketbadl players. : | I just got back from Springfield, Ohio, this morning. The boys were greatly exercised to learn when we play the Oklahoma Aggies and this was the first meeting I have had with them for several days, Had it not been that I was under such extreme pressure, Iwuld have taken time off to doi the job for yous With all good wishes, Iam | : | : (\ Sincerely yours, 4 Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach, © . Mareh 4, 1946 Hon. Hugo T. Wedell Justice of the Supreme Court Topeka, Kansas Dear Hugot I received your letter of the 2nd instant and am sorry that I did not get to talk with you when you were going. through Lewrence, but want to thank you for your thoughtfulness in regard to my rest. I also want to thank you for your to us and the team for winning the Big Six Championship. Letters such as yours mean @ great deal and we appreciste your taking time to write to us. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely, ' Director. of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. HUGO T. WEDELL JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT TOPEKA, KANSAS Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: I almost yielded to a temptation at 11:00 pem. last night on my way home from Kane sas City to congratulate you on your wonderful Victory over Oklahoma. On second thought it occurred to me that you probably would be welcoming a little undisturbed rest. At any rate, your victory was wonderful and I most sincerely congratulate yYOue I will be watching with great interest the matter of your meeting Oklahoma A. & Me Cordially yours, Fit March 4, 1946 Mr. Oscar Wolf we $290 Sixth Avenue San Diego 53, Californie Dear Oscar: Thank you very much for your letter of March 1 | extending lyour congretulations to us and the basketbell team. Such letters and communications are highly appreciated and make our victory an even greater one. With every good wish to you and Mrs, Wolf, I am Sincerely, - Direetor of Physical Education, FCA:MP Varsity Basketball Coach. Ja fo Me. Geen, SAN DIEGO,3CALIFORNIA March 1, 1946. Dr. Forrest €. Allen, Basketball Coach, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Forresti:-- COURGERATTLATI-ON &. We Jayhawkers out here are made happy again by your champion bauke tala team. You just keep "rolling along" with your outstanding record. You and Ernie Quigley are doing wonders at K. U. We do hope a good football team can be developed for the splendid list of games scheduled for this fall. Mrs. Wolf joins in kindest regards to you and Mrs. Allen. Sincerely, x — Oscar Wolf, 3290 Sixth Avenue, San Diego 3, Calif. February 27, 1946 Mr, Clifton W, White $24 Cottage Avenue Anderson, Indiana | Dear Mr. White: I regret to inform you that at the present time we have no openings in our department of Physical Education. We wil] keep your letter on file and if at any tine an opening should arise, we would be happy to consider. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education, PCAsMF Varsity Basketball Coach. f 324 Cottage Avenue Anderson, Indiana Pebrwry 20, 1946 Head of Physical Education Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: I am very much interested in obtaining a posi- tion in physical education in a larger college. At present I am associate professor and head of the physical education department at Anderson College. I have recently completed work for a doctor of education degree from the School of ~~ Education at the University of Oregon. If you are making any additions to your staff, I should like very much to be considered. You may obtain my credentials from the Placement Bureau of the Univer- sity of Oregm, or I shall be glad to give you any further informatim which you may desire. ZA Yours truly W WHE February 27, 1946 Hone Hugo T, Wedell Jugtice of the Supreme Court Topeka, Kansas Dear Dutch: It was swell of you towrite as you did concern- ing our basketball team, We appreciate very much your — parent It means a lot to us. “What we did for Mrs. Wede12 was & pleasure on our part. We would do it a thousand — times if we had the opportunity. When the season is over, I will court the offer to have a good long visit with you. Sincérely, Director of Physical Education, FOA:MF Varsity Basketball Coach, HUGO T. WEDELL JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT TOPEKA, KANSAS February 26, 1946. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Phogs You put on a great exhibition with your boys last night. I want to convey my most genuine compliments to you for another grand championship, We will all be pulling for you at our house the night you play Oklahoma. I hope you scour their plow, I want to also thank you for your court- esy to Mrs. Wedell at Lawrence the other day. When your season is over I should like very much to have a good visit with you concerning a number of matterse Always with best wishes, I remain Cordiglly yours =a), WEST E RN : ome This' is a full-rate DL=Day Letter Telegram or Cable- 2 DM Oy NL=Night Letter gram unless its de- ferred character is in- | LG= Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable cy symbol above or pre- 1 ) NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. a N. Witt AMS Ship Radiogram The filing time shown in the ante line on telegrams and day ite is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination KAZ72 13=LINCOLN NEBR 18 24.5p RAY. KANEHL TRACK COACH= UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS=, RUSH COPY NEBRASKA KANSAS DUAL MEET INDOOR RECORDS WITH. ENTRIES FOR THIS WEEK= ED WEIRs THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SFRVICE February 11, 1946 Coach Je Ae Walka Blewett High School Ste Louis, Missouri : | ao ae Dear Coach Walka: | I have just sent you the following telegram: "“Clarende Dunlap took bus for 8t, Louis this morning with- out contacting use We had nice rooming facilities and good environment for him, He told his roommate, one of our players, that he had been out of the Army only two weeks and he desired to go homes Letter follows, Forrest C. Allen,” Clarence worked out with the team and seemed es~ pecially pleased with the boys. The boys all liked him anc qe thought everything was splendid. I cannot understand his reactions, It might have beer he was not out of service long enough, or maybe there was someone else who had offered him some inducement that appealed to him more. I would appreciate your hav- ing a talk with him and letting me know just what the difficulty WAS » ce ; I want you to know that I have appreciated very much your every good deed in helping us. I am hoping that he will re« \ consider and decide to return, He could reenroll this week or \ the first part of next week and carry a full load without injuring his academic standings Classes will not start until the latter part . of this week so he could still get in okay. Thanking you for an early reply, T am Sincerely yours, | | Director of Physical Education, FCA :MF , Ge Varsity Basketball Coach. Sent WESTERN UNION February 11, 1946 Coach Je Ae Walka Blewett High School St. Louis, Missouri Clarence Dunlap took bus for St. Louis this morning without contacting use We had nice rooming facilities and good environ- ment for hime He told his roommate, one of our players, that he had been out of the Army only two weeks and he desired to go home. Letter follows. Forrest C. Allen February:16, 1946 Dean Henry Werner Student Affairs 228 Frenk Strong 4 Dear Dean Werner: . I have a letter from We C. Morrow, the Principal of Stohrville Rural High Schbol, regarding the desire of his son, Kenneth, to apply for a Men's Residence Scholarship in one of your. academic halls. Since his mother and father were both K.U. graduates, and since his mother, Nee Laura MeKay, was a Phi Beta Kappa and his. father has a master's degree from the University of Kansas, I would take it that the boy has enough brain matter to do good work in a university. The boy, while a good athlete, is on the konor roll of his school. Naturally, I will appreciate any consideration given this young man, who has an excellent Ke. backgrounds Sincerely, = Director of Physical Education, | FOA:MF Varsity Basketball Coach. January 22, 1946 Mre Je Ce Witter, Superintendent Fowler Public Schools Fowler, Kansas | A Dear Mr. Witter: ; I am enclosing our basketball schedule, in response to your request of January 21. The games are @alled at oreerer yy o'clock. Mr, Earl paleetateins the Financial Secretary of the Athletic Association, takes care of all reserva- tionse There is a special price to high school students, but the seats are in a high balcony. I am sending a _earbon copy of your letter to Mr. Falkénstein and I will ask him that he write you concerning the details, I assure you we will be very happy to have your senior class visit here at our University of Kansas. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, . Director of Physical Educetion, © PCAsMF | | ‘Varsity Basketball Coach. Ence FOWLER PUBLIC SCHOOLS FOWLER, KANSAS J-C WITTER, SUPT, - danuary 21, 1946 Dr. Forrest Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: Our senior class would like to take a trip, and we have been thinking some of going to the University of Kansas to see a basketball game and look over the uni- versity. Would you please send us a basketball schedule and tell us what would be the best time to bring them? Sincerely, JCWsli January 19, 1946 Mr. Paul G. Wurtz Pe QO. Box 66 Paxico, Kansas Dear — . Answering your recent communication, I am happy to answer your query. I agree with you, sir, that the boy should not sit or | lie on the floor, If they sit, the abdomen muscles are cramped and — there is interference in breathing due to a cramping of the diaphragm. If they lie down, they are subject to drafts on the cold floor, If they lie on their abdomen, there is a stretching of the neck muscles of the upper thoracic area, which does not permit free breathing. If they lie on their back, the blood rushes to their head, unless they prop their head up somewhat. I do not permit them to stand, but have them rest on one knee, with an arm on the bended knee, which rests | the entire body and pe-mits Bree breathinge By having one knee on the floor and the foot of the other leg in the bended-lkmee position it is an easy matter to rest the musetlar structure because the bony frame- work, which supports the body, 4s resting firmly on the floor. ie _ I can appreciate your: motive in not permitting the boys: to lie down because many of them have an emotional tendency and: they "flop" on the floor as if they are ready to pass out. This leads to the detriment of the whole teams' emotions and the lesser of the two evils, I would say, would be in the standing position. 7 Henry Iba has all of his men lie flat on their ehikimene with-their heads facing into each other as a fiveepoint star, which looks pretty, but it is a poor position for a hard breathing athleté. I have my men on one knee, either knee, and facing each other. The idea is to rest the framework of the boy and still develop the militaseer of an ageresat re, up and coming fellow, I trust this. gives you the desired information. Sincerely yours, - Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. Paxice Rural High School Paxico, Kansas se cmwrono,mancion 7/1 af %e. &Na 7s (- (he; ) th sg Ed a < , Rann} faa tills sp ee : Lk C8zzsecou EES Ateyerrehadadn “oe < oa, ee ) . | of Re neg da An 22.2290 id cal. 3 nm \eu S December 19, 1945 Mr. Chalmer Woodard Lawrence Memorial High School Lawrence, Kansas Dear Woodys ZI am happy towrite this testimonial in your behalf because I sincerely feel that you deserve it. I hope you get this job if you want it. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely, * ~ . : Director of Physical Education, FCAsMF Varsity Basketball Coach. linge December 14, 1945 Mr. Cox, Manager Western Union Lawrence, Kansas Dear Coxie: In- reply to our follow-up on the message sent to Otto 0. Schnellbacher at Mando, Texas, your report is as follows: "Schnellbacher has left the city. Present address unknown. Western Union at Hendo, Texas, cancelled the message and filed it." I am in receipt of a letter from Otto 0. Schnellbacher dated December 11, 1945, Officers Mess, AAFFES, liondo, Texas, in which he says, "T am a week late getting out of the army. I start dis- charging the 14th of Dec, so should be in Lawrence around the 17th. I was suppose to get out the 6th of Dec. but they couldn't handle all of us at the seperation center. Being an "Ss" in the alphabet, I waited a week." , It looks as if Mr. Schnellbacher was still in liondo, Texas, when this information was given to Western Union. | Schnellbacher will be here, as you see,'on the 17th and I am still going to find out why the message was not delivered. It looks as if your Western Union at Hondo, Texas, is without the proper information, or perhaps the proper initiative. Do you reckon some of our Western Union people may inform us that we have had a war} — Sincerely, aes _ Director of Physical Education, FCA: MF Varsity Basketball Coach. 12-14-45 Dr. Allen; Western Union called to report on the wire you sent to Schnellbacher. Schnellbacher has left the city. Present address unknown. Western Union at Hando, Texas, cancelled the message and filed it. M. French 12-14-45 Dr. Allen, Mr. Faris called this morning while you were out and would like for you to call him at 22, M. French December 14, 1945 — Mr. Clint Webber P. 0, Box 232 Arkansas City, Kansas Dear Clint: I am sorry that I have fai led to | answer your good letter of November 10. Some how it got mixed up in a mass of my correspondence and I have overlooked it. ie We have a good many boys here who have bean discs from the service and we have been finding work for them. 1 think you will have no difficulty at all. | Your eligibility will be affeoted not one whit by your previous experience at Rockhurst. You will have four | years of competition even beginning next fall. You did not say what you expect to major in. If you will write me, or write Dr. Leonard Axe who is in charge of veterans' affairs af the University of Kansas, I am sure I Will be able to give you ‘fulsome information. : With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. December 10, Air Mail Mr. Harry BR. Westlake Downtown Athletic Club 19 West S,reet New York 4, New York Dear Mr. Westlake: Dr. Allen vairei that he will be unable to attend the 11th Annual Heisman Trophy Award Ceremeny and dinner December 11, 1945. ‘Hts name is Dr. Forrest "Phog" G. ee not Mr. Paul G. Allen. | Sincerely, Secretary to Dr. Allen HEISMAN MEMORIAL TROPHY AWARD -HEISMAN TROPHY COMMITTEE WILLARD B. PRINCE CHAIRMAN WILLIAM B. ALEXANDER HAROLD J. BROWN HARVEY N. BRYANT CHAS. J. CUNNINGHAM EDWARD F. KEATING EDWARD W. LEGIER WALTER L. MORAN WILLIAM SLATER JAMES A. THOMAS 1945 EXECUTIVE DINNER COMMITTEE WILLIAM SLATER HONORARY CHAIRMAN HARRY E. WESTLAKE GENERAL CHAIRMAN LLOYD E. ONEAL VICE-CHAIRMAN -WALTER L. MORAN VICE-CHAIRMAN | » JAMES A. THOMAS : CHAIRMAN BROADCAST WILLIAM B. ALEXANDER ADVISORY COMMITTEE WILLARD B. PRINCE HEISMAN | TROPHY COMMITTEE SIDNEY STRUBLE> CHAIRMAN RECEPTION COMMITTEE FOR DISTINGUISHED GUESTS ees A. KENNEDY CHAIRMAN ‘ENTERTAINMENT H. ST. JOHN HARVEY CHAIRMAN RECEPTION . COMMITTEE FOR PRESS ' FRANK P. McGOWAN CHAIRMAN TICKET SALES | HAROLD J. BROWN . - JOHNNY HAYES es CHAIRMAN : SCHOOL FOOTBALL, STARS HOWARD BUTT. pa CHAIRMAN 1944 DINNER COMMITTEE WILLIAM T. BRADLEY DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS pis or ot West Point today and our. guests on that occasion. Slat eeding with its original progrem and mor DOWNTOWN ATHLETIC CLUB OF NEW YORK CITY, INC. 19 WEST STREET, NEW YORK 4 WILFRED WOTTRICH, PRESIDENT WILBUR JURDEN, VICE-PRESIDENT K. K. VAN METER, SECRETARY-TREASURER December 4, 1945 HEISMAN TROPHY PRESENTATION ‘ou aorass POSTPONED It has been necessary to postpone the 11th Annual Heisman Trophy Award Ceremony and dinner at the Downtown Athletic Club scheduled for Tuesday evening, December 11, due to ‘the conflict with Gxeminations at West Point which prevents the winner, from being present et the Club. The Heisman Trophy Committee regrot -very deeply that this postponement is necessary. A special committce conferred with General ; it hes been er-— renged that the award ceremonies will be aoe at the Club on Saturday evening, January 5, 1946. Pes sidert Wottrich has asked me to ad- Wise you of the change in date to January 5, 1946 and to express the hope that you will be o 7; : The committee hen 800 reservetions indicate that this will be ons of the most successful Heisman partics. Please indicate on the enciosed return post card that we may count on your acceptance. Brads yours, HEW: mk o octane, Enc. ace Chairman. Folix — Blancherd ? RICHARD CULLUM J. C. LATIMER HEISMAN ADVIS COMMITTEE WILLIAM B. ALEXANE CHAIRI Cc. EVERETT BACON — HOWARD BUTT CLIFFORD E. DEMING H. ST. JOHN HARVEY WALTER P. HOLCOME HENRY J. McADAMS _ ELOVD E: ONEAL 7 WILLARD B. PRINCE WILLIAM SLATER) LEONARD L. SUTTER JOSEPH R. TAYLOR © JAMES A. THOMAS HARRY E. WESTLAKE WILFRED WOTTRICH | MINNEAPOLIS, ALLISON DANZIG NEW YORK, EDWIN B. DOOLEY NEW YORK, FLEM HALL | FORT WORTH, TE) “TED HUSING ‘ NEW YORK, H. L. ASHLOCK SPOKANE, GREENVILLE, BOB PHILLIPS ; BIRMINGHAM, GRANTLAND RICE | NEW YORK, CHESTER L. SMITH PITTSBURGH ERNIE SMITH | SAN FRANCISCO, JOHN H. THOMPSON CHICAGO GEORGE TREVOR NEW YORK, JACK TROY 3 ATLANTA, AL WARDEN OGDEN, GRANT E. SCOTT “ SECRET!