February:16, 1946 Dean Henry Werner Student Affairs 228 Frenk Strong 4 Dear Dean Werner: . I have a letter from We C. Morrow, the Principal of Stohrville Rural High Schbol, regarding the desire of his son, Kenneth, to apply for a Men's Residence Scholarship in one of your. academic halls. Since his mother and father were both K.U. graduates, and since his mother, Nee Laura MeKay, was a Phi Beta Kappa and his. father has a master's degree from the University of Kansas, I would take it that the boy has enough brain matter to do good work in a university. The boy, while a good athlete, is on the konor roll of his school. Naturally, I will appreciate any consideration given this young man, who has an excellent Ke. backgrounds Sincerely, = Director of Physical Education, | FOA:MF Varsity Basketball Coach.