' EVENING AND SUNDAY ; 326 W. MADISON ST. TELEPHONE CHICAGO 6, ILL. ANDOVER 1234 November 10, 1944 Dr. Forrest Allen Basketball Coach The University of Kansas Lawrence Dear Coach Allen: Last year a number of college coaches attended the College All-Star Basketball Game; and while we were able to extend them courtesy tickets, the seats were not as choice as we would have liked to have given them, The reason for this is that before we had received word from many of the coaches that they would be here, we had already sold out the Chicago Stadium, and had to make emergency arrangements for a number of the coaches. If you are planning on attending the College All-Star Game this’ year, we would appreciate your advising us by return mail, and also, if anyone is going to be with you so that we may dispatch immediately choice courtesy tickets. Another reason that we would like to know early is that in the event sufficient coaches are going to be present, we wish to reserve a nice lounge and meeting room in the Morrison Hotel which will be headquarters for basketball coaches and attendants. We would have this room set aside for November 30 and December 1, so that the various coaches in town would have a common meeting place,. making it easy for them to see each othere We also intend to have a cage coaches’ party by the All-Star committee and would like to have an idea of how many will be ee May we lock forward to hearing from you by return mail Sincerely, ry alli Sn WILSON, Director College All-Star Basketball Classic Room 510, 326 We. Madison Ste, Chicago, 6. haw/fml