UNITED STATES NAVY YARD MARE ISLAND, CALIFORNIA It is interesting to note that the total number of former Kansas University men now in active service is equal to one regiment. Reported casualties would make nearly one company of infantrymen. One of the most promising bits of news lies in the common belief of the high officials in the Allied group that, once the German is turned, Russia will set out to destroy the third and last major componet of the Axis powers. France also is re- ported anxious to enter the offensive against the"freak toed oriental."But with all this to count on in approximating the end, and return of the men it still is not a pretty picture as I see it. In fact, I will not be surprized to find myself starting another tour of duty overseas before long. It will be long, hard, and dis- asterous to the foe. Lt. Hunter's will be the first of many tributes. But the thing to think on is not the fate in the field. We must work for the future in America. It is now time for me to be on with my duties here at the Yard Dispensary. Until later I remain, Golfingly yours, Dr. F.C. Allien, Physical Education Department, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas.