= <= R. P. B. WILSON TELEPHONE 1616 HENRY P. J. WILSON P. O. BOX 422 E. VICTOR WILSON WILSON, WILSON & WILSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BLDG. HUTCHINSON, KANSAS November 24th, 1944. Dr. Forrest C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Deer Dr, Allen: It has been several years, since I have talked to you, and worked with you withthe Kansas “elays. * also noticed that the Kanses Relays was discontinued for the duration. I sincerely hone that you bring it back once more. However, *+ have a problem on hand at this time, and if it is possible would like your assistance on it. For a short history of it, 1 will have to go back a few decades, I used to belong to Troop Two, Boy Seouts, which wes sponsered by the Grace Episcopal Church of this city. We then owned a basketball and regu&erly vlayed teams in this section. When I left for school, 1 never paid much attention to the tropp until the other day, when our Rector dis- cussed the matter with me, Now that I have taken over the troop, I find that it has no athletic equipment; only a dozen boys; no librayy, when in the past it included athletic books and others to the tune of around 200 volumes; end in general in e run down condition. What + would appreciate is this. Does the University Athletic Department have a basketball they can give the troop? If they do,will you make it as a gift to "Troop Two"? My plan is start them pleying it as we did in the past. Another point is, that a gift of a basketball from you to the tropp will help build the troop. Also, your Basketball “ible, with your autograph would be apvreciated by them. We are unable to buy a basketball here, and there are no funds for @ good one anyway at this time, The boys do not know about this. But, I know that this would raise their morale. If you would see clear to do this at this time, I believe the cece would get off to a fresh start and take its rightful place among the others.