KANSAS Clty ATHLETIC CLUB KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI November 14, 1944 Dr. Forrest C. Alien, c/o Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. My dear Phog: The Athletic Club is again looking for a physical director and the members of the Board of Governors are making inquiries through various channels, looking for good material. So this gives me an opportunity to write:‘to you, since I do not see you as often as.I would like, nor as frequently as we met in the good old days. I thought perhaps you might give us a few names and addresses of suitable material and since you know our needs, it is hardly necessary to recite them to you. The compensation consists of a Salary - not too large - and a commission on applications that are secured solely through the efforts of the director. We will appreciate any leads you can put in our hands and if there is anything we can do to ees you can be sure of our cooperation. Have you seen Roy Strotz lately? Poor boy is nearly blind. How is your brother, Pete? Long time, no see. With kind regards and personal wishes, I remain, Ernest Wright, Trea er EHW ‘ lp