December 6, 1944. Major Neal Wherry, 1819 G. Ste, — oe Washington 6, D. C. Dear Neals 28, 1942. Kensas won 31 to 30. No, I would not have had an oppor- tunity to have seen it, and 7 appreciate your thoughtfulnese. I think the boys of Rotary are running a dead horse for District Governor, but they want it and so I will go along with them to the end of the road. I took your letter home and showed it to Jane and she said, "That is awfully nice. Thank“qim for me, will you?" My lengthy epistle, the phone Rebounds, doubtless has reached you. You will be too tired to read this when you have finished with that. With all good wishes, I em Rotarily yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.