it! al diet | yt — Bee Ww i aan yN February 6, 1945. Mre Fa Be Williams, dudge of the Cireuit Court, . Civil Courts Building, 3 St. Louis, Missapuri. Dear Judge Willies: I appreciate yom splendid letter as of February Sth. It is encouraging to us to receive letters from officials in high plaees who aid in law enforcement and morales Sineerely yours, | | Director of get Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. F. E. WILLIAMS JUDGE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ST. LOUIS Civil Courts Building, February 5,1945. Dr.Forrest C.Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence ,Kansas. Dear Dr.Allen: This is just a letter to compliment you on your stand against commercialism and gambling in college athletics. It requires courage to do what you have done and are doing. You deserve the thanks of the people of the United States. Keep up the good work, Yours very truly, Pe ite e : SLockboume Abin He Base . wb ockbowme 7s els Base a oluonbus, Ohie — ) “La > ae aad a TA atone Fy January 15, 1945. Hr. R. H. Wagstaff, Jayhawk Creamery, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dick: | i think this will get the job done, and I trust it will be possible for you to accompany us. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Ene ; Br. Richard Habbara Wagstaff, S2/c, AOM School, Class 16, B-43, Barracks 78, NoAeT.T.Ces Norman, Oklahoma. Dear Richards St 4e wary nesessary that I see you next gatuviay evenings The University of Kansas is playing the University of Oklahoma at the field house in Norman, Gklahoma. I am very desir= ous of a conference with you, and since the University basketball ee a ne ee are Stig MNES gene Siem, X wauls tite. to uae you at the Finke house. | iis | edits shes. Sic setaiediltten Gees Cone City, and returning immediately after the game. ‘Therefore, I an | writing Mr. William Cross, the athletic manager at the University of Oklahoma, requesting that he leave a ticket in your name at the ticket office. This will gain you admittance to the field house, and we would like to have you coms to our players’ Meee ant Seem — e- i trust that nothing will interfere with my seeing With ell good wishes, I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. \ Jamuary 26, 1945. Mr. Marion A. Wools, Basketball Coach, liyandotte High School, | us Kansas City 2, Kansas. ae Dear Marion: Chelmer Woodard brought the pair of shoes size 13, the new ee ee ee oe Sago. He explained regard- ing Dean Nesmi af asigranvondhadhoeltty tip eRe Dean got a hurried call and had to leave without doing half things that he wanted to do for his own fanily. Elmer has just brought your letter to me this instant and we have gone over all our shoes and find that Dean was mistaken in that he said we had some new shoes size 14. In fact, we have no l4s at all, that are new. Elmer is our new property man since Dean is gone, and the best that he could rake up was a pair of old lds, worn by John Halberg about three or four years ago. We are sending these along so that your boy may use then, and whatever adjustment should be uade between your new ones and these I will let you decide. You write me and your verdict is*good enough for me. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, FCA: A Varsity Basketball Coach. . WYANDOTTE HIGH SCHOOL 25TH AND MINNESOTA AVENUE KANSAS CITY 2, KANSAS Jd. F. WELLEMEYER Jd. CLYDE HUME PRINCIPAL VICE-PRINCIPAL January 25, 1945 Mr. Elmer Schaake Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Schaake: When we played basketball in Lawrence, January 13, I left a pair of new white converse shoes with Chalmer Woodard. Dean Nesmith was to pick up the shoes and send me in exchange a pair of converse shoes, size 14. Dean had told me that you had a few pairs of fourteens and would be glad to help us out by ex- changing them for a smaller size. I see by the paper that Dean has left. He probably forgot about the shoes with so many more important things to think about. Would you check up on the shoe exchange for me. Thanks 4 lot. Sincerely, pol rion A. Wools ketball Coach Wyandotte High School January 25, 1945. Ne Justice Hugo T. Wedell, Kansas Supreme Court, Topeka, Kansas. Dear Duteh: You have now got half a dozen or more schedules, and I feel very guilty in not seeing to it that you have had. these schedules before now. Will you pass one to my good friend, Walter Thiele, and any of the other learned gentle- men who happen to sit in the jurists seats? . Why don't you and Walter and a group come down? We would be delighted to sec you, and of couse we will see you Friday and chew the fat on the game for Saturday night. Thanks for your good wishes at Missouri, but we got it on the chin at Norman. I just had a letter from Reaves Peters and he said he saw Gevernor Schoeppel and he is going to be here for the Towa State game on the 27th. ie With every good wish to you, I an Sincerely yours, , Director of Physical Education, POA :AH , Varsity Basketball Coach. _ HUGO T. WEDELL JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT TOPEKA, KANSAS January 19, 1945. Dr. Forrest ¢C. Allien, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: I thank you very much for your letter, While my remarks on the subject of general physi- cal education will naturally be very brief at the football banquet, I am especially grateful to you for having taken the time to write me the detailed letter as to the possibilities of what might be done at K. U. Strange as it may seem this is the first year that I have not received a schedule of the basket-ball games from someone at the University. I just learned today that you are playing Iowa State on January 27 and Kansas State on January 50. I cannot see the latter game but certainly would like to see the one with Iowa State. I was, of course, delighted with your wins over Nebraska and Missouri, especially with the latter because I thought you were going to get knocked off at Missouri. Congratulations] be yours, January 22, 1945. Mr. Carter L. Williams, 515 City Bank Building, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Brother Carter; Your Kansas brether in Phi Kappa Pei is very sorry that he cannot be present at the Phi Kappa Psi Founder's Day banquet celebrating the 93rd year of its founding. On February 16th we are to tangle with our Kansas Cousins on the jousting arena of Nichols Gymasium, Kansas State _ College, Manhattan, Kansas. Please give my brothers my kindest regards. I regret exceedingly that I cannot be with you for this very important occasion. Fraternally. yours, 7 Direotor of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. “CLASS OF SERVICE DESIRED DOMESTIC CABLE TELEGRAM FULL RATE DAY LETTER DEFERRED COPY OIF NIGHT « | CABLE Par ee WESTERN UNION TIELEGRAM Patrons should eheek class of service desired: otherwise message will be transmitted as a fall-rate communication. Laramie, Wyoming January 9, 1945 Director of Men's Physical Education, University of Kansas. We need ‘two physical education instructors University Wyoming for Army and civilian program. Can you suggest well trained candidates? Have such candidates make application at once. 0. G. Sohwiering, Dean of College of Education. es af oe Rea PHI KAPPA PSI FOUNDERS" DAY BANQUET. CELEBRATING THE ogra YEAR OF ITS FOUNDING awe dean Please lessen the work of your officers by sending your check for $2.75 to Carter L. Williams, 515 City Bank Bldg. Due to ra- tioning we must have your reservation by Feb. 13th. Call Williams at HA. 2525. Friday, Feb. 16, 1945 Aztec Room 6:30 P.M. Hotel President Kansas City 8, Mo. January 9, 1946. Lawrence, Kansas. Attention: Mr. Cox, Manager. . Dear Mr. Cox: Just to clarify your records I am sending this note to tell you that any messages addressed to “Director of Athletics” should go to Mr. B. C. Quigley, ‘and those addressed to “Director of Physical Education” or “Men's Physical Education Department” should be sent to me. Sineerely yours, / Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Jenuary 3, 1945. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Enc. Jan.2,1945 Mr.F.C.Allen Kansas University It was indeed a pleasure to have you at Peru for the clinic and from all reports it was a big Succeae: All — boys and coaches were high in their praise of your talk. The tournament went off in fine style which was also gratifying. Thakns again for soa oi up and let me take this. opportunity to wish you a Happy New year and a successful basketball season. Cordially yours, A.G.Wheeler December 14, 1944. Mir. Bill Woleott, Coach, Burwell Uigh School, » Nebraska. Dear Coach Woleott: . i was glad for you to send Dale Phillips over to Peru, Nebraska, while I was there yesterday. Let me know how his imee gets along. With kindest regards, I an Sincerely yours, _ Director of Physical Education, PCA: AH | Varsity Basketball Coach. - M teem /2 1944 Vir (Phog Mn. G ka AM Al rtrd ge Oak PAL fo, a A2reor al Ih Abel Gy toll pon, te SF Od ee ees x AY you plas chek th fe toll pr remirhon rm, tut $ Saat. Avornmer. ee ae ~ INTER-OFFICE MEMO From the desk of Paul Ward Date Feo ee Wy BG LPALIA-LM ” s E7 A. . d , J a ZZ L- : Mor Mong h (aehneh in Ab, [bee gl, Me 4#R foyer wn err eg C ERs ee SE ede a pea ee = EVENING AND SUNDAY 326 W. MADISON ST. CHICAGO 6, ILL. November 15, 1944. \ Dr. Forrest C. Allen y Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence. Dear Phog: Naturally your letter of November 13 wasn about December’ 1 with your own vasketbal 1 - blems. However, I surely hope that some of these seasons you will be able to have a game ~ arranged somewhere close to Chicago oe enable you to witness our classic. ee anne By the way, I followed with interest yeas com- — ment with reference to the gambling element — raring their ugly heads into the colleg te e basketball picture around Madison Square Garden. 1 think your comment was more than well founded and that these individuals are bound to exist when basketball schedules are drawn by private. promoters rather than the school officials, . themselves. Re ee een ee ae ke ae a Be ne ee ere ee With kindest regards, I am ae. ee eG Sincerely, eyes Ce anaes hdw/fml W.L. Winey Jdr.;, United States Naval Service, Northern California. 7 December, 1944. ‘My dear Dr. F.C. Allen: By way of Harry Green's thoughtfulness it was possible for me to read and meditate upon the letter written your wholly adequate capacity as President of the Lawrence Country Club. Right-off the theme, expansion with foresight of the "little" conveniences which go to give color and sporting purpose to any club, infected my mood with enthusiasm. Briefly, what can be called a definite step ahead in affairs at the Lawrence is now a patent truth. You have, as 0.W. Holmes once put it, "formed your battalions and are now fighting"....and again Forrect C. Allen is seen to be exerting a can never be said of your life that is has not been an abundant history. Believe me, Golfingly,