1124th QM Co APO 557 c/o PM New York, N.Y. 1 August 1944 Dear “"Doc"s Really was swell to get the June issue of Jayhawk Rebounds. That's the first one I have received and hope I'll continue to get them as they roll off the press. Found it very interesting to read about where scme of the fellows are and whet they are doing. I had a good laugh on that paragraph telling of the notorious phone cail Engleman made from Dr Peete's home in KC. Don!t think I'll ever forget it. Suppose Howard is busy these days teaching little Howard how to throw a ball up and make it balance on a door ledge. If you write him please give him my regards. A little better than fourteen momths has passed since 1 reached England. With Anglo-American relations emphasized the way they are I even find myself joining in a cup of tea occasionally plus a few other conventions we've had to get used to such as driving on the left side of the road, their monetary system, riding a bicycle, etc. It isn't such a bad place and we get along all right. In April I was lucky enough to get a few days leave and visited Scotland. Spent a day or two in Edinburgh, Aberdeen, and Stirling. It's a very beau- tiful country and the people are swell to the Yanks. ; Just recently we were honored to have the King, Queen, and Princess Elizabeth visit our base. They were accompanied by Lt Gen Doolittle and others so with rank like that around I. didn't have a chance to talk to them but did see them from about ten feet away. So far I haven't run across very many Jayhawkers. There are three others with me here but I don't know if you lmow them--Capt “arl Becker, base photo officer, Lt Robert Anderson (no relation!), communications officer, and Lt Vincent Tharp, squadron engineering. I'm still C.0. of this outfit (was two years last monta) and additional duties as base quartermaster. Since D-day we've been plenty busy but time goes faster that way and helps speed the day when we can return back to good ole Kansas. The folks told of your being at Rosedale for the banquet in May and certainly enjoyed having you there. My brother Homer is at the University of Minnesota now in the ASTP. Dean is working for the Union Pacific RR in KC and waiting to get his call from Uncle Sam sometime this fall. As you kmow there isn't a great deal we can write about from an overseas address, but I did want to drop you a few lines anyhow to acknowledge the Rebounds, pass on a little news from this corner, and to hope that things are going well for you these days. So for now, a11 best wishes, Sincerely,