WYANDOTTE HIGH SCHOOL 25TH AND MINNESOTA AVENUE KANSAS CITY 2, KANSAS Jd. F. WELLEMEYER Jd. CLYDE HUME PRINCIPAL VICE-PRINCIPAL January 25, 1945 Mr. Elmer Schaake Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Schaake: When we played basketball in Lawrence, January 13, I left a pair of new white converse shoes with Chalmer Woodard. Dean Nesmith was to pick up the shoes and send me in exchange a pair of converse shoes, size 14. Dean had told me that you had a few pairs of fourteens and would be glad to help us out by ex- changing them for a smaller size. I see by the paper that Dean has left. He probably forgot about the shoes with so many more important things to think about. Would you check up on the shoe exchange for me. Thanks 4 lot. Sincerely, pol rion A. Wools ketball Coach Wyandotte High School