Br. Richard Habbara Wagstaff, S2/c, AOM School, Class 16, B-43, Barracks 78, NoAeT.T.Ces Norman, Oklahoma. Dear Richards St 4e wary nesessary that I see you next gatuviay evenings The University of Kansas is playing the University of Oklahoma at the field house in Norman, Gklahoma. I am very desir= ous of a conference with you, and since the University basketball ee a ne ee are Stig MNES gene Siem, X wauls tite. to uae you at the Finke house. | iis | edits shes. Sic setaiediltten Gees Cone City, and returning immediately after the game. ‘Therefore, I an | writing Mr. William Cross, the athletic manager at the University of Oklahoma, requesting that he leave a ticket in your name at the ticket office. This will gain you admittance to the field house, and we would like to have you coms to our players’ Meee ant Seem — e- i trust that nothing will interfere with my seeing With ell good wishes, I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. \