May 7, 1945. ~~ Dean Henry Werner, — University of Kansas. ‘Dear Dean Werner I have just telked to Mr. Charles 3. Shaeffer, director of the War Preduction Board, 414 Interstate Building, Kansas City, Missouri. Mr. Shaeffer said that it would be a good idea if you could bring the forms in to his office, or somebody from your offices, but if you sould do it it would be fine, and when you go there please ask for itr. Shaeffer. He will capehsatoeen handle the situation. : If Mr. Shaeffor is not in, ask for Mr. Bdger C.(Zek¥)lWalsh. Mr. Weleh is a K.U. man. If neither of those gentlemen are in, ask for ii. Harley Morsman. If you see Mr. Weleh of Mr. Morseman, then after you have done this, please leave a note with Mr. Sheeffer's secretary so that Mr. Shaeffer can follow through. I believe this will be o.k. if these things are followed as outlined. I might add that Mr. Shaeffer seemed very affable, and I am sure that you can count on his suppers. : i Sincerely yours 2 Direotor of Physical Bducation, Varsity Basketball Coach. April 24, 1945. Mr. Russell L. Wiley, Direstor, University Band, University of Kansas. Dear Mr. Wileys I wish to expreas my appreciation for your kindness ae ee oe © Sey Oe ae Sees Tee Sees Sines last Your splendid ecoperation is always deeply appreciated. e Ginserely yours, a Director of Physical Education, POAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. April 24, 1945. My. Cc. Ao West, Athletic Direstor, University of North Dakota, Grand ‘Forks, Ne. PD. Dear Friend Wests There are a nuuber of people that make olestric scoreboards, tut I believe the best scoreboard is made by ae ® e We made our own and it cost $600.00, which is entirely too mish money te spend for a scoreboard, but we — have « Jayhawker blinking his eyes when a goal is scored by _ the Jayhawkers, of course, and a lot of other gadgets on the beard that some people might not want to pay for. I have seen the Medart beard and it passes all in- asked me to look it over when I was several suggestions for the benefit Director of Physical mducation, Varsity Basketball Coach. THE UNIVERSITY: OF NORTH DAKOTA DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION UNIVERSITY STATION . GRAND ForRKS, NORTH DAKOTA WYANDOTTE HIGH SCHOOL 25TH AND MINNESOTA AVENUE KANSAS CITY 2, KANSAS J. F. WELLEMEYER J. GLYDE HUME PRINCIPAL VICE-PRINCIPAL April 2, 1945 Dre ¥. €3 Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear friend Allen: I understand the situation regarding ex- penses for members of the department there. We expected to pay yourthe expenses of your trip and we think the $7.00 is very modest. According to present plans we shall expect you Lake Quivira at 6:50 on Thursday evening. Very prdially yours, J PRINCIPAL JFWe:1g March 27, 1945 Mr. Be Ce Quigley, Director of Athletics Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mir. Quigley: I eam in receipt of a letter from Forrest 0. Allen advising me — toyou in regards to speaking at our all Sports Banquet. : This Banquet will be held here in Halstead, Mondey night, April 16. At this time we will have as our guests all members of our football, basketball, track squads as woll as the State Championship Debate Team. As you know we won the State Glass 5 Championship Basketball Tournament at Emporia last week, This is the second gonsecutive year we have had this honor. Our team has won . $1 straight games and is the only undeafted basketball team in the State. We also have this honor for the past two years. All of our starting five are seniors and will be graduated this Spring. lie have oncboy who is a very good ball player wnich 1 believe will be classified as ¢-F by the Selective Service Board. He has a growth on his arm. lir, Allen knows oo about this boy and can tell you all about him. , I will be gled to give you any additional information you would like to have. | This Banquet. is being sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. We will be glad to defray your expenses eovering this trip. In writing or calling about the above please get in contact with me personally. Let me know how you will travel. If by railroad advise time and will meet you in Newton. I ts Copy J Rl, Ae Tigi... Today YA mnt atti Fae Gl Io, tes ae eta =e 7 ye fect pee T/e Uurgit Wein 87 0101650 {23 Kenna AP O124 B ” Poahorsats, {N.Y 1.4, fot nucl Feng me ee ae Agdore i em Ae es March 8, 1945. Sells: Wah oe ATL. tase tae ada” tee Soma the tale ed that you will find 4% helpful in your coaching. Thanking you for yeur order, I om Very sincerely yours, cae Directer of Physical @iucation, FCAsAH | Varsity Basketball Conch, — Maroh 12, 1945. The World Company, L we Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Sirs: I am enclosing my check for $31.33 for bill rendered as of March 9th. | I wish to thank the World Company and the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for the promptmess, efficiency and courtesy to me. Sincerely yours, te Director of Physical Edieation, FOA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. EnGe “HUGO T. WEDELL JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT TOPEKA, KANSAS February 15, 1945, Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phogs After your first visit with McBride you suggested that I write him. I am enclosing copy of my letter to him, which I hope meets with your approval, Cordially yours, February 28, 1945. Mrs Dean W. Welder, 42 Lene md, Sunflower, Kansas. Dear My. Welder: ; + plead Sap yee SALEORA Son A Midivhihge Rvdad;. cmntatee ing $17.00 in currency and your Seleotive Service card and other material that I am sure you will be very anxious to have returned \ to yous. 1 kd thee yooketbock ab our Selevtive Service in Building with Mire. Halberg. You oan obtain the same by calling there any hour between 8 and 12, and land 5 I ‘think if you buy then a drink everything will be squared. T am glad to retum this to you because being sesrotary 4 Sinserely yours, pireotor of Physical Education, FOA:AH Varsity Basketball Couch. oo to 4704 No. 55th St., Mission, Kansas. February 28, 1945. Mr. Ellis Whitaker, Principal, Candler County Training School, Metter, Georgia. Dear Principal Whitaker: I have your letter of February 21, and believe that you refer to my book, “Better Basketball”, published by MeGraw- Hill and Company. The book sells for $4.00, and if you desire me to autograph a copy and mail to you I will be glad to do so on receipt of you check or money order for $4.10. This will cover the postage, and yet will be less expensive than the GcOed. fee. I am enclosing some descriptive material so that you may read of the contents of the book. Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Goach. Pao oe = io i 4 e February 16, 1945, ndor Neal M. Wherry, 19 G. Ste, Nee, Washington 6, De Ce Dear Neal: | Thank you for your kindness in sending me clippings from the Washington papers. tI appreciate your interest in our campaign against the gambling evil in basketball and other college sports. With kindest regards, I am Very sincerely yours, Direatee of Physical Fducation, Varsity Basketball Coach. February 14, 1945. Mr. Larry Winn, American Red Cross, llth and Central, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Larry: I am enclosing the information you requested this afternoon, and trust it will be satisfactory. Gall on me any time I oan \ . be of service to you. Very ogrdially yours, ve s Direetor of Physical Bdusation, : ‘PCA:AH | Varsity Basketball coach. Eno. Major K. 8. Wilson, 0-917704, Hdqs. 50th Fighter Group, APO 374, c/o P.Jl., New York, Bet« Dear Major Wilson: | , I am very happy te render any service that I am able, but your assignment is rather @ifficult. I would rather be an.oil cup than e file, in this case, and for me to give a personal opinion would be unfair to our visitors from Indiana and Ohio, so I had better discreet- ly observe that Indiana and Ohio have wonderful basketball organizations. And when it comes te Alabama, let's talk about football. But Alabama is coming along rapidly in the round-ball sport. : dnsweHing your questions to the best of my ability: (1) Indiana has long been known as the basketball state. That was when Piggie Lambert's Purdue team, and Everett Dean and Branch MacCracken had great teams at the JU. However, Tllinois has taken the play away from Indiana at the present time. Doug Mille “whig kids" and other fine Illinois teams have rather everbalanced Indiana's clain. The wealmess of Indiana is that their state commissioner refuses Indiena bigh scheols to schedule games with any other state teams. ‘That has eaused inbreeding and a false evaluation of Indiana's claim because she eannet reasonably justify it by never having met any ef the outstanding high school teams of other states. Ten or fifteen years ago Indiana built fieldhouses for her high school teams that were bigger than the high school buildings themselves. It was not uncommon at all for high achool teams to have fieldhouses with five to six thousand seating capacity, and they were filled to the rafters. Dr. Meamwell, at Wisconsin, used to eulogize the Indiana set-up. : Indiana has a style all its om. If you have seen one Indiana team play, you oan just know how the rest-of them are going. It is a four-man offense with a big rear guaré under the basket, and a short fast front guard running with the two forwards ani center on a fast break - lote of shooting - a - good basketball - fight - and color. They were great basket shots, but I do not believe Indiana basketball is up to some of the ather etates at present due to this inbreeding. . (a) 1 do not believe that Indiana can lay claim that “more basket- ‘pall is played in Indiana then any other state in the Union by the mmber of teams and basketball attendance". I had some definite figures on this but have not been able to lay my hands on them here of late. I have de- — s page 2. layed answering your letter intending to find these figures, but I oamot find them. However, I would not dispute it authoritatively, besause it schoo 1 tournaments in Indiana, origin- : tc i F iH : ! tate winners meet at the Butler fieldhouse in Indianapolis to play off their state teurnament. I have been present : ames at which 16,000 people attended. I am not sure that we could give Mir. Fessler credit fer originating the teurna- ment idea. That would also take some research. Reen Kansas started their tournaments in 1908. So again, question 3 is debatable. Now, as for olaims by the opposition: (1) "Outeome of National AAU ‘tournaments should be reaspmbly accepted as a criterion of what section of the country sponsors the best brand of basketball . . ‘Und In this respect, Kansas and Missouri, as well as Oklahoma have consistently won more titles than other states." As to this question, I would say that naturally the tournaments having been held in Kansas City, Missouri, and Denver, Colorade, - Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma have won more AAU Tourna- nents than any other states, but these teams are not strictly representa- tive of any one state. For instance, the Phillips 66 Oilers, who won the National AAU title at Denver, have Fred Pralle of Kansas, Jolm Freiberger of Arkansas, Martin Nash ef Missouri, Bill Martin ef Oklahoma, Lindemann of Washington State, and the team is coached by Bud Browning, fermerly of . the University of Cklahoma. : A previous championship team of 1941 - 1943 had Howard Engleman of Kansas, Joe Fortenberry of North Texas State Teachers, Clerence Anderson of Stanford, Hank Luisetti of Stenford, Bill Martin of Oklahoma, Chuck Hyatt of Pittsburgh University, Jim Wileoxen of Colorade, Jolm Adams of Arkansas, Nash of Missouri, and Pralle of Kansas. So you see these industrial teams pick these boys up wherever an outstanding star blossoms. I do not believe it fair to say that these beys who happen to be playing on a team in Oklahoma are naturally all Oklahoma boys. That applies also to Kansas and Missouri. I believe you get my point. (2) “here are no high sehool teams better known for good basket- ball over a period of time, than Newton, Kansas." I would say that that would apply to Kansas very satisfactorily, but each state has its centers of woll-knowm basketball teams. Years ago Winfield, Kansas, eccupied the spet that Newten now occupies. However, the last two years Shawnee-Mission High School, a small rural high school out of Kansas City, has won the state champienship twice in succession. And Newton and other large teams, as well as Kansas City, Kansas, were in the ; tournanent. page 3. $ cenld anty Gand Wiha end be Sen Gitehidts & queetile for we te decide withowt much research, and at the present time I truat that you will exeuse me from that. I om sorry that I have done such a poor job as your arbitrator. om sending you a Jayhawk Rebounds which is a letter that I get to the boys overseas. I trust that you will find some this that will be interesting to your Kansas loyalties. Newton, is one of our outstanding boys. 1 geod wishes, I an UY on Scott, With i ps Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH : . Varsity Basketball Coach. ® J Ledewe ys Kidow w! 4s She osetia! S¥eve Of Yheo Metron’ A. - Shore LrsvELbE of 1s plyed aS cane _ Lk ene TAaw Aa ty OShee S £0 ke Ai Zhe LGrI0N (ty Number OX Lever And Cesketbell. Allead ence) S- Fhe Syrdem otf 494 S2hoo/ v a Sa 44a eM enlS Leos Cervera vtec 2US ALMO1 eA, CS ome by WE Gipese tron ae! /- Ctileome CF NWokton oS AAA Pov ediwsd; Should C6 Kaswebly Accepted As A Crete! ot “Wheel Sec7ien/ of Te Couwtry arenes She Leese brvd Of Bbostetbel gue p/ This fbyeT Kbuse e- SII SI o0trs As well 45 OX oben: Am Dave Gen west erty Wer foe "44u Trtles Jan! CTae- Stites 7) ~ Shere Are pe fragh Scheel Fowms LETT E+ Kjoow o/ for hee beskel bel] over 0 fore? @ ime Thow Neuter, KAW SOS,