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Katy Cette a ek ae ee, THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE Office of May 11, 1945 HENRY WERNER s Dean of Student Affairs 228 Strong Hall Prof. Fe Ce Allen 107 Robinson Campus Dear Prof. Allen: I am enclosing a list of Junior men in the College, School of Engineering, School of Law, School of Fine Arts, and School of Education. Would you please look this list over, and check those names of men whom you believe might be eligible for nomination to Sachem. I would appreciate the return of this list at your very earliest opportunity. Very sincerely yours, A exanen | Henry We Dean of Student Affairs Hy/ad Alexander, John Gray re Clyde Edward Altenbernd, Elvin Conrad Johnson, Kenneth Wilson Arnspiger, Larry Alton King, Leren Clifton | y Barney Il, James Farl Knuth, Kenneth Lawrence (V=12) Barrington, Leonard Floyd lamb, Lawrence Edward (V«12) 2 Batcholder, Theodore Laverne (Vel29 7 danikcing Darwin Francis (V=12) Belisle, Rex Charles (Vel2+ ‘Marks, Edmond Ira Dextheloun, Harlan (V«12) Yarquer, Bolivar, dre Blackburn, Robert “ayne (Veteran) a x aren, Thad Norton Driver, Robert Allen (Ve12) Methes, Darrell Franz (Veteran O Dunlap, Janes Hildreth (Vel2) = Meyer, Victor Gustov Elliott, Irvin wesley _ /\Musgrave, Max Edwin (¥a12) Ellis, Anthony Nohe, Kenneth (Veberan) Fackler, Samuel Edwin Nolimeyer, Richard Gordon (V=12) Fountain, Jrs, Robert Louis — Pasano, Angelo Joseph Fricker, Richard Leroy < ‘Patterson, Yayne winfred Gholson, Richard Donald aye > William Yallace Goldasich, Edward (Veteran) Pinsky, Benny (V=12) Grey, Charles Edwin Zz Reynolds, Albert Gordon (V«12) Hammer, Robert Nelson Roberts, Orville, dre Hanna, Thomas David Sayler, Jerome (V=12) ' Hardman, Dennis Alonzo (v=12) Smith, Dean Anno | Hendrix, Lloyd Es Tennant, Robert Anderson (V=12) Hines, Lindley Murray Thomas, Leon (Ve12) | Hoff, Elton Edgar Wagoner, Merle Dean | Hollingsworth Richard — Weber, Robert Wileon (V-12) 4 Howland, Willard Joy. meatal, cad Densen Hughes, Harry Lewis _ wtmore, John Marshall | Winemiller, Gelbert (Veteran®) Yeokel, George Henry Zweifel, Samuel, dre (V=12) a wa — School of nine & Architecture | Spring Term, 1945 A@ems, George F. - Kemp, Jack Ce Addis, Alfred W. Kendrick, John Wing Albert, Don BE. *Kernick, Andress Alexander, verren Re : King, Thomas Cs Alvy, Daniel Tangford, Cecil My Anderson, Jack Vite : larsell, David Ball, Charler Re Liebau, Melvin Be Ballard, David C. List, Frederick As Zartlett, Dan He * *Tinnerman, Harold Ae 4 onshany Paul Be +ornquist, Edwin Te Wenzel, Frank He Winkler, Richard He School of Fine Arts Rogers, Allan School of Education Dexott, John Long, Virgil Eugene © Barney, James Earl II Batchelder, Theodore Laverne Jacobs, Clyde Edward Lamkin, Darwin Francis Marsh, Thad Norton Reynolds, Albert Gordon Burch, Bobby F. Carl, Rudy Daun, Gustave A. _Rebison, James Leroy Stong, Hildreth L. Swailes, Walter L.. SACHEM LIST Engineerings Name Grade Point Average Bureh;—tabby fs _— = —< Carl, Rudy 2.8 —< chase, Albert L. - Bel Stong, Hildreth L. 206 Sunk dees~tabter-be ~~~ Colleges Arnspiger,—Lerry— tes - Barney, James Earl II 2.6 Batchelder, Theodore Laverne 1.7 Driver, Robert Allen 2e5 € Jacobs, Clyde Edward 5.0 XK Warques, Bolivar, Jr. 15 € Warsh, Thad Norton 2.8 engrave, tox Edwin 202 fone, Kenneth — ies Re id Libert-derds +<% Weber, Robert Wilson 2.6 Zweifel, Samuel, Jr. Be5 Ao, pedi o x Gil June 4, 1945. Mr. J. P. Wollemeyer, Principal, High School, Kensas City, Kansas. Dear Mr. Wellemeyer: I know how busy you are, but I am still trying to collect the loose ends of my traveling accounts that have not been satisfied. Will you kindly mail me a check for my Quivira trip lest april Sth? } - Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, . POAAH Varsity Basketball Coach. BUREAU. OF NAVAL PERSONVEL NAVY DEPART CENT Office of Naval Cfficer Procurement 1009 Baltinore Avenue Kansas City 6, Missouri £9 May 1945 Dre Forrest C. Allen Dept. of Physical Education University of Kansas Lewrence, Kansas Dear Sirs oa “elerence: WINTER, Calvert Johnson Jr. Amlicant for commission, U, S. Naval Reserve, tin placing this immortant matter before you, it is sincerély regretted that a personal letter cannot ve sent, but to do so would make it nec- essary to divert enersy now focused on other wartime duties, The conscientious thought given your renly to this request may arfect Ae welfare and safety of many men, as the person about whom we-are writing may eventually be in a nositien to command, Therefore, the cece sted information is of more than usual sienificance,. ‘lease tell us in detail what you can about this apvlicant For your convenience we have enclosed a form which covars the essential items uson which information is desired. It would contrite to our appraisal of the anplicant if you would rlace your answers below the questions on the enclosed sheet 4 return envelope is enclosed, Your revly will »e kent in strictest confidence and wiil heve-an important bearing on the final decision. Please accent our thanks for your assistance. Yours very truly, fo ff. Ca fo a CHLhd Leey’ ade F, CAREY, Tieut. Cond, , sued Officer-in-Charce, i May 28, 1945. To Whom It May Coneern: I am very happy to commend for your consideration Mr. Calvert Johnson Winter, Jr., whom I have known for the past ten years. I have had Mir. Winter on my varsity baseball squad and have come in contact with him in the class room. : I have fowl him at all ti earnest young man. He is a student in the Medical School of the University of Kensas at the present time. He is an ex- cellent student and his interests in h fellow man are deep end sincere. : in my opinion he is an especially safe , man in his chosen profession. He has a fine character and ! i j E € Very sincerely yours,. Direator of Physioal Rdueation, FOA:AH Varsity Basketball coach. May 11, 1945. Mr. Hd Wooloott, Woolcott’s IGA Store, Haletead, Kansas. Dear Mr, Woolcott: I am sending you the carbon copies of the two letters I have written Mrs. England and to Harold. I appreciate your fine cooperation in this matter. I em looking forward to the time when we may have you up here ag our guest. With all good wishes, I an Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation, . PFOA: AH . Varsity Basketball Coach. Maroh 22, 1945. Mr. Bd Wooleott, Weoloott's IGA Store, Halstead, Kansas. Dear Mr. Woolcotts I was fortunate in catching Mr. B.C. quigley just . before he was leaving for a very busy week-end. However, he told mo that he would be glad to ascopt your date of April 16 to speak at your allesports banquet there. x woubé apgvesiate 40 weary sesh Sf you wold write Mr. Quigley, — him the background of your all-sports banquete 1 have gone over the avoid gland situation as. regards the activity of Frosty Cox and Adolph Rupp, and Mr. Quigley said that ho would make it e point if possible to drop in before the April 16th date. . | T eam mighty happy that BH. C. is going te be with you. T know that you will have « grand evening. With best wishes to all, I am Sincerely yours, | Direotor of Physical Education, FCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach. rE BANE WN ROY “(Kansas Wins (3-Way Meet Lawrence, Kas. (P)—By win-| __|ning eight firsts, tying for anoth- er and taking 13 second places} ;\the University of Kansas track| -|team swamped the Nebraska Cornhuskers and the Kansas Ag- gies in a triangular track meet .| Saturday. The scores were Kansas 85, Ne- braska 37, Kansas State 12. Robert Lillibridge of Hutchin- son won the 220-yard dash and . |broad jump and took second in the 100-yard dash for Kansas, scoring 13 points for high honors. Nebraska had three double win- ners in Dean Kratz, 440 and 880- yard runs; Ken Hollins, shot put and discus:; and Norville Barker, both hurdle races. Kansas State won no firsts, and Tom Keith gave the Wildcats’ their only second place, scoring in the low hurdles. Halstead Is Meet Winner Halstead won the Mid-Kansas league track and field meet at Gowans field here Saturday with a grand total of 46 points. Haven was second with 39, Pretty Prairie third with 30,|. Burrton made 26, Buhler 13, and: Inman and Moundridge each scored 11. 120 yard high hurdles—Balzer, Inman, 1st; Pjesky, Moundridge, 2nd; Jones, Pretty Prairie, 3rd; and ‘Ambler, Haven, fourth. Time 16.7. 100 yard dash Halstead, | 1st; Hess, Pretty > ae. Koontz, Haven, 3rd; Bowman, Burrton, 4th. No timie given. : Mile run — Koehn, Moundridge, st; Duron, Halstead, 2nd; Friesen, Buhler, 3rd; Weiderstein, Halstead, 4th. Time 4.57. 880 relay—Haven, ist; Pretty Prairie, 3rd; .and Halstead, 4th. 440 yard dash — " Halstead, 1st; Bowman, Burrton a Se Halstead, 3rd; Hartford, Buhler, 3 Time 53.5. ; 200 yard low hurdles—Dickerson, Haven, Ist; Barton, Pretty Prairie, 2nd; Pjesky, Moundridge, 3rd; and Jones, Pretty Prai- Fie, 4th. Time 25.6. 880 run—Harder, Burrton, 1st; Nighten- eale, Halstead, 2nd; Balzer,’ Inman, 3rd;|§ Fairchild, Moundridge, 4th. Time 2:9.7. 220 yard dash—Hess, Pretty Prairie, 1st; Vie: 2nd; Dickerson, Ha- ee Se Burrton, 4th. Time 23.6. Medley relay — Halstead, ist; Buhler, 2nd; Haven, 3rd; and Pretty Prairie, 4th. Time 244, ‘Broad jump—Koontz, Haven, 1st; Col- lins, Haven, 2nd; Harder, Burrton, 3rd; and Sutton, Burrton, 4th. Distance 21 ft. 1% inches. : Pole vault—Collins, Haven and McMan- | nis, Burrton, tied for 1st; Graber, Preity Prairie, 3rd; and Ambler, Haven, a Height 10 ft. 4 inches. Shot put — Rodenberg, Halstead, ia Ratzloff, Pretty Prairie, 2nd; Jones, Pretty e, 3rd; and Zehr, ‘Burrton, 4th. Distance 43 ft. 214 inches. ‘High jump—Hess, Pretty Prairie, ist; Ambler, Haven, 2nd; Rodenberg, Halstead, 3rd; and Regier, ‘Buhler, 4th. Height 5 ft. 614 inches. Discuss—Koontz, Haven, 1st; Rodenberg, Halstead, 2nd; Regier, Buhler, 3rd; and Seimens, Buhler, 4th. Distance 132 ft. 10% inches. Javelin — WNightengale, Halstead, 1st; Friesen, Inman, 2nd; Randall, Halstead, one: and Stahley, Burrton, 4th. Distance Mile relay—Burrton, 1st; Haven, 2nd; Pretty Prairie, 3rd; and Burrton, 4th. Time 3:55.3. WOOLCOTT’S IGA STORE HALSTEAD , KANSAS Aahitfel Canna - Chay ett cats Lame a All, MT hans th gat byt ee Ar 2 Ae eo are trecmebo tics, WOOLCOTT’S IGA STORE HALSTEAD, KANSAS Abad (ely