S PorJartés FE WIeesr ras (0059G9S— Recepourr- DGEPe7F 7A6.B. Siig TIcrroo t.. Syn DIECO Kf CLF ORNID : a Ce» A-é ge Ko Cai UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS | fest60. Zo, “94as— Pees fOr Aiece, ell 7 At Lite oe £9 hon. | Ong 64 OCS Cry Cong. Atk fe eo- ony 2 Weelts ee Hoeg S Was Pe awe é Yor 0K. here. fon Sea saGour C weecr— flare re fee ger - 4 te See S04 cor ute cG Se Te —. Boer Sesce. Woe ne ss Bere Zs succes | CclTe otbreers A rac wing ee eas totfo toc G06 We aave. Lo bs pete OS aads Fe C Lov hes ftese. 3 Fa «xs ewe wack a eS wWE_ +e ee 2e-7%, SAee 7 . ee Se or Oe sb Oo? Ov Fs ee ee Be déaure: few s oo eer, SOE ee, where es (@b9 e Crewek GPeawer Seras Le KeG. LA os ca wne KraG oct Xe an ae a Seas aasarHad Jae. ies Hbe ens oe Swi, De ps 7s Ce er ou PG ey ke Cs realy ew ase a ee ee Cc etwele Keg BESO : rhe. ee Gee K. a fe Fs os eu oe: oem reo 7 a eo GO Pate Kee Cy = eS aoe Colers Yo Oho fee or TH xe Pea . hey 2 ao Ge i Ss 5 a Sea 7 Kaer~ ne oa UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS fe. rh reacns Ca Fe os. ae= os oO he ¢ a A 2 € Cf Ae ike Jag fea He ld Rotts SBR, PT can Fuck Paws aloe e ve S -~Pres e CoacG Soe | | epee aS. 7h. Vio Kad: co“ oe a a COT pi af 7 ae = Piococe aeceKies = feCCrug Ye meer oll los ©. Soe eH oo a@uxk_ sheFe ect A& cra? a a 5 SOS. ge FS a ee Ze Ses M— oF. Lock 5 20 Yo wee 4 eee Come c ore fase Wi Cate Memes ined August 30, 1945 Mr. W. Verne Wilkin, Manager The Union Central Life Insurance Co. 1010 Bwight Building Kansas City, Missouri Dear Verne: Lt. Ralph H. Miller 527th AAFBU Sq. A, | Base Physical Training Officer Drew Pield, Florida This is the way we have the address listed here. Sincerely yours, Forrest CG. Allen Director, Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach PCAsmed - THE UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY CINCINNATI W. VERNE WILKIN, MANAGER 1010 DWIGHT BUILDING KANSAS CITY, Mo. August 29, 1945 Mr. Forrest Allen c/o Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phogs If you have Ralph Miller's address, I would appreciate it being forwarded to me. Sincerely yours, _——— W. Verne Wilkin WVWs pe SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS ; LAWRENCE Bia oO = $21.20 deposited in Phys. Bd. fund at Business Office. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION July 17, 1945 Mr. Williem Wilps Herminine, Pennsylvania Dear Willian: Mr. Mike Getto, former KU coach and at present the manager of the Eldridge Hotel has told me about you and that you are interested in coming to the University of Kansas. First of all I want you to know that we will be very happy to have you here as a student and as a football player. We are looking for boys who realize that education is important and yet«who like to compete in athletics. Mr. Getto tels me that you are interested in Heating and air conditioning , refrigeration and so forth. Those courses are offered here in the University in the mechanical engineering department ot the School of Engineering. You would want to take the four years' course in mechanical engineering with a major in these courses. Undér special cover I am sending you a booklet telling about some of the activities of the school.of Engineering her at the University. Our school of engineering is one of the outstanding engineering schools in this section of the coumtry, and our graduates are readily placed with big industrial concerns throughout the country upon graduation if they are interested in that type of work. You will find living costs gt the University of Kansas probably lower than at any school of similar size and reputation in the United States. I understand that you are a discharged veteran and would have most of your schooling taken care of under the G I Bill of Rights. Should you not be able to get along on the funds provided, we can find you a job by which you can earn some additional money to help you should you care to have such a job. We have had a number of boys from Pennsylvania and your vicinity that have come to school out here at KU and have made good. We would certainly be glad to have you here at the University and playing on our varsity teams. I will be glad to send you any further information and answer any questions that you may have about coming out here. Very Sincerely yours, Coach Varsity Football HS : MEH jae /0,¢+9U? CAMP LEJEUNE,N.C. Pear ff>, Blog, Zz pecs cved Ae ay Faw F fie beorSs several alg isl hi Pak Aece ter Karn ly Bet peg ek Arete ng ( at: “4B ic a. 08€ — ol Al od “# 7 three ge forf- C4 “Yo wie er Sie: /zlacrle 4s toe of Cc ewag fer fear eer Feerrel gegs Ie poss WHF g Shere aack Veg ave ain fusuTaes dil ge oo +a ror ceeg Gese Th nee x Paes? J &e2 pe ee Cees @s i357 if on Site Co ge oers, pale ce Ba ~ - > aud G& set a “ ee eects? ee naw, La es Ker a a SH eee 7— aw” Mag Zs s+ fawre Pee wiscr ody ete kod ws KANSAS CITY AND JACKSON COUNTY CHAPTER TELEPHONE HARRISON 2341 222 WEST 11th ST. KANSAS CITY 6, MO. Jie Of {i — F. F. BERINGER, MANAGER FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, ee June 8 ’ 1945 PRESIDENT HARLAN FISKE STONE, VICE-PRESIDENT CHARLES EVANS HUGHES, VICE-PRESIDENT HERBERT HOOVER, VICE-PRESIDENT FRANCIS BIDDLE, COUNSELOR DANIEL W. BELL, TREASURER MABEL T. BOARDMAN, D, Ee oa ken, Dr. F.C. Allen a & Editor of "Rebounds" apter —Dureclors Department of Physical Education LOUIS H. EHRLICH, Uni versit f no. CHARLES M. BUSH, ‘oe VICE-PRESIDENT Lawrence, Kansas MRS. J. C. MCLAUGHLIN, VICE-PRESIDENT ee a | TREASURER : : MAYOR JOHN B. GAGE, ; ucmommcneersn | Have been enjoying every issue of Rebounds TOM L. EVANS nd hope that I may remain on your mailing list. as Please change my address to 8822 Minnehaha Lane, POWELL C. GRONER Kansas City, Missouri. : : R, CROSBY KEMPER W. T. KEMPER, JR. HAL W. LUHNOW LOUIS B. MCGEE Thanks again and keep up the good work tra". HENRY J. MASSMAN ; RICHARD J. POTTS 4 ROY A. ROBERTS BYRON T. SHUTZ Fra ternally yours, : CHESTER C. SMITH a ROY B, THOMSON - 2 ; Committee Chairmen ae 3 ACCIDENT PREVENTION SERVICE, fe : 8 ALBERT J. REYNOLDS # BLOOD DONOR SERVICE Larry inn 9 dP e y GEORGE H. DAVIS, CHAIRMAN ie CARL R. FERRIS, M.D., TECHNICAL SUPERVISOR LW:re 8 MRS. MASON L. THOMPSON. y CHAIRMAN VOLUNTEERS 4 CAMP AND HOSPITAL SERVICE. 34 MRS. MAURICE K. BAKER ay MRS. HENRY N. ESS 4 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS, 2 WM. M. SYMON = FIRST AID SERVICE, ROY W. LOGAN 2 JUNIOR RED CROSS, \ 5 oa HEROLD GC. HUNT 4 NURSE RECRUITMENT. eS MRS. BERNIECE WHITE a PROMOTION BENJAMIN SOSLAND PUBLICITY, Ss MRS. CHARLES M. BUSH : WAR FUND, % ae BYRON T. SHUTZ, CHAIRMAN ae MAX BRETTON, DIRECTOR ma WATER SAFETY SERVICE, a ROYS C. JONES VOLUNTEER SERVICES, MRS. J. MILTON FREELAND, = = CHAIRMAN BRAILLE, MISS MARGARET CG. O'RIELLY CANTEEN, / MRS. EDWIN CLARKSON HOME SERVICE CORPS, MRS. OLIVER C. BROWNING HOSPITAL AND RECREATION MRS. F. R. RIGHART MOTOR CORPS, MRS. BENJAMIN M. POWERS NURSE'S AIDE, MRS. R. CROSBY KEMPER PRODUCTION, MRS. JOHN D. WENDORFF RECRUITING AND SPEAKERS BUREAU MRS. H. B. OREAR STAFF ASSISTANCE, MRS. H. E. TURPIN UNIFORMS, el ‘SF. Yy B. see sid 5 : prince ee 22, Lie) 4 i a Piers) A MOURN ie ict: eal tact cis Vey ears asec le beh Sal is Sea a ets ogg eee NS a yrs Wilson 7o-vay ~ 1M SPORTS EQOGIFPTIENT SPORTING KANSAS CITY DIVISION @-- | CG O O D S Cc O. - 1509-11-13 Baltimore Ave. fica Kansas City, Mo. June 18, 1945 Mr, Forrest C, Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr, Allen: Your order for golf balls has been cancelled, The truth of the matter is we aretadly in need of golf balls so we can readily dispose of these balls and we appreciate your cooperation in getting them in so that someone might get theme Cordially yours, WILSON SPORTING GOODS CO, Klabma/ ne Holmberg Order Supervisor 3 GH; ELM PAY TO THE ORDER OF Lawrence, Kansas, a First National Bank 3-12 ESTABLISHED 1877 DOLLARS dune 23, 1945, dhe ds ee fond af 084 and said Skip wes a wonder. you to de this under these conditions, ~ I want you te kiow presiate it deeply. op that I Bineerely yours, Director of Physical Education, — Varsity Basketball Coach. June 30, 1945. - Dr. Laurence Woodruff, Registrar, x University of Kansas. Dear Dr. Woodruff: i have approved the enrollment of Mr. John Parker in my course No. 200, Theory and Practice of Athletic Training, eer ee Pree Perce. He has had Physiology. Mr. Parker is coaching the DeSeto high school team during the war emergency, and desires this course. Sincerely yours, | | Direotor of Physical Education, FCA:AH ! Varsity Basketball Coach. June 6, 1945. Mr. Carter L. Williams, B15 City Bank Bldg., - Kensas City, Mo. Dear Brother Bones: Thank you very much for the Mo Alphan. I am delighted to know that your gon Curtis has pledge Phi Psi. I spoke at their banquet there, and I remember the young man very well. He is a fine chap. It will be glld to congratulate him upon the next oscasion I sea him. : % : : : You are certainly doing a swell job with your brochure. In scanning through your Alphan I note that ugly seore, Missouri 28, Kansas 0. aes With no malice aforethoucht whatsoever, I am sending "you a Jayhawk Rebounds which describes a Big Six race back in 1932.. You might get a bang out of the score, but nothing ocompmrable to that 28 to 0 score. With all good wishes, I an Yours in the Bond, \ \ a . Director of Physical Education, FOA:AB Varsity Basketball Coach. Dear PROG i ' I shoudd have put you on our mailing list long ago. Here's two back issues and you'll get another one soon. How about an exchange? My son Curtis is pledged Phi Psi at K U but Army may keep him from coming up. Curt Williams from Shawnee. Made 3 weak letters this yr. Best regards, BONES CARTER L. WILLIAMS 515 City Bank Bide. KANSAS CITY, MO. shsiee yo 1f at home, s m at th long table and fill your hearts content. REMEMBER ~ the pride that every minute on the campus you felt that , distinction that so many other fellows would have given anything for - the distinction of being A PHI PSI, REMEMBER « the dances + the good times with the feeling always that you were truly at home <= your own home. No matter where you are your thoughts will wander back to YOUR PHI PSI HOME and the wonderful association there with your other BROTHERS, * * kK Ox ; NOW - more than ever before your help is needed «« YOU can do a little for the Old House that has done so much for you «= your PHI PSI HOME needs YOU and ALL OF US to revive and keep alive those dreams and memories we all hold so dear «« . i: “\. REMEMBER to do ‘ " something to hel i | ° Tice Brother, a é oe org i Fn ghee I, / oo Z —— zZ ” ) ea se IV lo Atgh A117 MARCH, 1945 VOL IV, 1 PHI KAPPA PSI at UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI {Ss [te = ju {4 Apo [Oo i= * {A * | wer “ETA | A ai EXTRA EXTRA *###% avery special Missouri Alpha has a Brigadier General in. the person of Garland Cuzorte Black initiated in 1914. We all brothers and friends of Missouri congratulate the General and wish him all the good. luck possible. ‘Bro- ther Black is with the U. S. Signal Corps in the European sector. His home is in Washington, D. C. at 4ig52 Hurst Terrace, He has one son a Lt» in. the Army and grad— uate of Westpoint, class of 1943, His daughter married a Naval graduate from Ann— apolis a year ago. Brother Black makes the eighth Phi Psi to‘attain the renk-. of Penh el . +. ee anod baw abben-addt « * Barl J. Godman Mo A ty0 passed away at his hone in Tulsa, Sidine on. Jans, 21, 1945, He was 56 and had been in ill health since March 1943 when he. was retired from his position as abs'te sup.°of manufacturing operations for the Stanolind Oil .+ Gas. Co. Survivors include the widow, Mrse Mary S. Goldman of the home. Earl (Ike) was one fine sel tow — all the eretaey at old 809 College Avenue’ in Wor ehh ee age loved him, : = a8 i are “Egdebted. to brother Je Save, SPataleyy oh VLouis, Mu. for the fine drawing on the: covere He never atails to come thru for the Old Lodge at Fw— now all youse guys give hima hand, At least renew your subscription to the MEE» Don't | let. the 5% do all the pmnnerh binds Ce a Of its 370 seas now » Ahive) initiated since its reestablishment in 11908, Mo Alpha has 148 know members in service in the present conflict or a percentage of 40. We feel sure this compares very favorably or even better than many figures we have scen since the war,, There are some, no doubt that have never reported and again we ap- peal to every Mo Phi Psi in service to PLEASE report his service to the editor. On Feb, lst, Craig Ruby, Jimmy Stewart, Bell Dehoney went to Columbia and met Vernon Hentschell and Orson Lee of St. Louis. The trip was primarilly to look over the Gampus and try to pledge some men, Also to inspect the house and other matters in connection with the chapter. We are very glad to report the pledging of Don Carr, Washington, D. C. and Graham Hay of Long Island, New York, Also that there are several men to be rushed by these new pledges including Bill Collins! son who has been discharged from service. In other words, a step has been made in the right direction. April will see these men initiated and more pledged,s Ruby reports that the house is in swell shape since the Govt.resurfaced the floors and repainted all the downstairs also that the Sammys are taking the best of care of the property and as spring comes there should be more men in the mouse, hence more rent will be re~— alized. * | ill g, Ashley "Unk" Benson '21 is the proud father of a baby boy born about: New Years nay last. Unk is in defense plant work here in K. C. Congratz Uncle. T. O. Wright '22 and Intérnational Silverware salesman is bas proud father of a baby boy born on Dec. 19th. Congrats T. 0. and we'll have a pledge pin ready for him. 1 Be Freddy Board writes from the Philippines that he was glad those Jap paratroupers did not get to do much shooting. Freddy is with a mapping squadron and can be writ. ten thru Frisco APO 72, - Now comes ten big seeds for Dave Owen's No, 1 note from Corpus Christi where he is Waiting on his Navy wings. Been paling around with Dorman O'Leary Jr. and Max Kistle ~ PAGE TWO : THE MO~ALPHAN MARCH, 1945 of Kansas Alpha at the same base. Dave has reason to believe that"Phi Psis are just a little higher type of fellow than the rest". Sure Dave we've know that since 1913 and it gives us lots of pride to realize this feeling still is prevalent, Dave informs us that Lt. Harry Griffin is instructing at Corpus working with the South American cadets, Also that Mrs. Griffin is probably the best cook on the base, Dave having been a guest at their house recently. Dave is one of the boys who will re- turn to MU to finish his education. BANG**BANG**BANG**.—Wot a wollup. Had to buy a new hot water heater and tank for the house-~looks like about a $150 raid on Giesecke's bank accounte We give thanks we have rent coming in for such expenses. Barl Baggerly S2/c, V-7 Unit Voorhees 4, RPI Troy, New York is provably one eine Navy's best trained and ub ahve Shvmeheenateieed seamen. We have stopped counting his changes—he's tops tho and always at the head of his class and one of the Editor's favorite recent Initiates. He is now at V7 Academic Refresher school at Renselaer Polytecnic and will soon go to a Middy school. During his sojourn at Great Lakes, Earl attended a N U Phi Psi party and had one of the best times ever~also stated the Life Magazine Photographer was hanging around and that "we might be seen in that mag some time soon", Says Northwestern chapter is composed of NROTC mostly and it is a very fine group of men, about 30 in all. Sarl has also visited Dartmouth College. V-mail from Dick Hall in France sending congratulations on our new House Corp. board of directors. His outfit is attached to the lst Army, says Jack Keith and Norm Ericson are not far from him but he has not seen 'em. Bob Lockwood discharged from Army Engineers is back in Santa Fe with the New Mex. Hi~way Dept. and expects to take-his masters degree at U of New Mexico. Bob is mar~ ried and living at the La Posada Apts. FURNITURE FUND Previously acknowledged last issue _ $2497.50 "Bill" Piatt Kansas A 1893 2050 Lt. Jack Keith in France House notes in full. 74200 Sam I Major : House notes in full. 200200 Our goal Storekeeper lst Cl. Murray Wenzel, U.S.N.R. 20000 $3500.00. Al Olson 10.00 Hurry boys Hal Bray 20.00 the war will Lt. "Cho" F. Hughes Be24 pilot Italy 20.00 be over before Navy Air Cadet Dave Owen (Corpus) 10.00 we get this T. Fiske Marbut 2e50 total. Lt. Allan Ragan in England 10, 00 $2800.50 Well, well, we were very agreeably surprised when treasurer Marsh Giesecke of the Corp. and Meuhlebach Brewry called and related that that big oil trucking tycoon and illustrious brother from St. Louis, the one and only genial Sam Ie Major '25 flipped a check on the huge Giesecke desk for the most generous sum (a record to date for a single donation) of $250.00 for--$100 to furnish bedroom Noe 9; $100 for the building fund; and $50 for this noble sheet, the Mo~Alphan----We are sure this should be the SAM.I. MAJOR issue and hereby name it such. Wotta-guy and SH SH SH SH, Sam is to be a papa one of these hear daze, Thanks too much our fran, may there be more Bros, in the woods with beeg checks to match yourn. Sam is owner and operator of a 50 truck fleet of oil and gas transports in St. Louis travelling to points in J1l- inois, Iowa and Mo., with offices at 301 Buder Bldg,, St. Louis 1, Mo. Youse guys drop aim a line--he has some "top" ideas about Missouri Alpha that deserve your con- PAGE THREE THE MO-ALPHAN MARCH, 1945 7 sideration, and will gladly tell you about them if interested. 1945 Mo-Alphan subscriptions have taken a big jump, thanks to the following loyal brothers: Lt. Bev Bradish, USNR, $2; Murray Wenzel, $5; Sgt. Bob Pickett in England, $5; Lt. Bob Hardin, $1; Attorney John Scott, Joplin, $2; Pop" Stanley Field, $2; Marsh Giesecke, $5; Bailey Gallison, Seaman, $1; Bob Moore, $10; Sam I, Major, $50; Lt. Howard Thorp, $2; Bliss Wilder, $10; Bob Boylen fin every issue) $5; Charley Boyle (pledged in '09 but never initiated) $1; Happy Cowan, $5; Lt. Jack Keith, $1; Henry F, Misselwitz, $2.50; Mo. Legislator Floyd Gibson, $1; Lt. Comdr, Went (Coach) Wilder, $10; Joe Haw, ex-corporal, $2.50; Anonymous, $1; Dud Dehoney Jr., $2; Fiske Marbut, $2050; Lt, Allan Ragan, $10; Thos. (Tim) Burnett, #10, $2; John Gilmore, $1; Bob Lockwood, $2.00; Clifford (Tony) Johnson, $2.50. The sheet is in the black thanx to the Sam Major $50 subscription--so all good gents get your 1945 subscription in please or we'll be in the red. How about some of you back in 10,11,12 and 15 and such-~don't say you don't read the chatter--for we know yew are a littul curious. Don't let the Service men carry the load. List of Memorial bed rooms to be furnished. No. 1 Henry M. Brown '14 Paid $100.00 No. 2 James Hand Jr. '12 Paid 100.400 No. 3 James F. Boyle '18 Paid 100.00 No. 4 Dr. Re Fe Pittam '18 Subscribed 100.00 Pd. $25 No. 5 Zan Maitland Aly Paid 100.00 No. 6 Marshall Giesecke '27 Subscribed 100.00 Pa. $40 No. 7 Dr. L. Ge Willits and Son Bob '37 Paid 150.00 No. 8 Fred Breisch '09 Paid ~ 100.00 Noe 9 Sam I. Major 125 Paid 100.00 Only a few more rooms left fellows so let us hear from you before it is too late. Make your name history in Phi Kappa Psi at Missouri. The Minnesota Beta newsletter called "MINNESOTA BETA SHIELD OF PHI KAPPA PSI" is doing a wonderful job for that Chapter. As a result, the house after being turned back by the Navy has been refurnished from funds solicited by this paper and Bro. Bill Robb, President of the Mineapolis A A, We note that Fanny Fansler is on the list of contributers. Put'em straight Fanny—-you're not from Miss Alpha-—now are you? Typographical error no doubte Lt. (jg) B. Be Bradish, USNR, AGS -— Shelton (U 360) Norfolk 11, Vae sent us a $2 bill which we hope will be good luck for this rag. Bev is in the Navy Armed Guard School. Thank you for the Xmas. greetings. He will be assigned to a merchant ship as gunnery officer sometime in Febe Lt. Bob W. Scott sends Xmas. greetings from Fort McClelland, Alabama. Lt. Joe A. Keith, '26, writes that he has been in the Army almost two years and is stationed at the A AF in the Pentagon Bldg., Washington D. ©. Any Brose around there look him up at 123 South Glebe Rd., Arlington, Va. Joe says he will return to his law practice in Sherman, Texas after the war. Seaman first class Ben F, Crawford Jre, is on === a boat--- somewhere in the Pacific. This makes 145 men Mo A has in service. No less a personage than one William Adams Telfer, who used to lounge around the Psi house at Columbia back in 1912 or so, selling no jewelry to the Brothers, drop- ped in on the editor for a couple of days in December. Needless to say old times were talked over and many laughs were had. Bill was on his way home from Colorado. ni re 19 We put him in Lt, Billy Willits! new Buick headed Hast where Bill has recently been stationed at the ‘Sub Base in: New London, Conn, Check for the December rents came to $150 so Treasurer Giesecke reports. Those Sammys aré gure johny-on-therespot when it comes to paying the rent. Paul Robinson '27, has been honorably discharged from the U. S. Army and is now back at home at 2le W. /Oth Terrace. Paul is back in Commercial Photography bus- iness. Storekeeper lst Class Murray Wenzel is back from Dutch Harbor and attended the lunch» eon in K C on Dec. 21 and we are pleased to announce that he paid up his nouse notes up to March 1946-~and not only that but layed $5 on the Mo Alphan subscription line. Thanks Murray and we do appreciate your visit. ie oe Dehoney Mo '18 is now with the war manpower commission as Senior Interviewer in the employment service, Not a bad guy to know in case you want a job or want to hire someones That most esteemed gentleman and member of the Bar, Mr. Jim Pickett, sends in $5.00 for his son Bob to keep the Mo Alphan going. Bob is still in the job of fixing up these airplane guns when they return from the missions over the European front. Thank you Jin, , The National Interfraternity Council's report on the decline in chapters for the per~ iod was 38./9% whereas Phi Psits decline was 31.00% The N.I.Ce membership decline was 65.83% and Phi Psi's was 62.00% so Phi Psi's is more than holding its ow. Clipping from Waterloo Iowa paper states that Bob Hardin has been promoted to end Lt. and is now on Admiral Nimitz! staff and has been at Oahu in Hawaii. Bob hap- pened to run onto Lt. Jim Keys and Pfc. Marsh Laumer not long ago in the Pacific theatre and I suppose a good bullesession was had by all no doubte Jeems will be home one of these days soon and we will have more to report from that theatre, — John Scott '25, leading Joplin attorney, Joplin Nat'l. Bank Bldg. sends two buckoos for the sheet—-tanx Jon, Cap't. Robin Walker, U. S. Army Engrs. is in Alaska. Mrs. Walker is at home, o4iy Bast 42nd Ste, Ke Ceo, Moe Winston H. Woodson '16, has been entertaining his son Allen recently home from the South Pacific. He is a Lt. in the U. S. Navy and has spent most of his time at sea since 19402, | Mrs. Phil Brinkerhoff and daughter Joyce, who is a Theta at M U spent the Christmas _ hollidays with Bro. Lyle Willits. The Editor had the pleasure of entertaining the ~ charming ladies one evening at his home. gad Brother Wm. H. H. Piatt, Kan A '93 won the KCAA noon luncheon pot on Jan. 4th and henceforth presented Mo-Alpha furniture fund with his prize of $2.50. So Bill when you come to Columbia to see the post-war K U-M U game you say——well I helped dood it. Thanks William. Happy Cowan writes that on a recent visit in Littlerock, Arks he ran onto Austin "texas" Drew and that he was now living in some small town in Texas, Hap says his son Carroll has just completed the gunnery school as an aviation cadet and will go to Navigator school soon. soesinmnsnisniintatnennasssmsensnseasncsessesecnnamcocansill PAGE FIVE THE MO-ALPEAN MARCH, 1945 Lt. Jack Keith pays up his notes in full with a war bond. Now thie gent was initia ted in 194 and let's be proud of the youngest life member of our Corporation, Jack is doing his stuff on the battlefield of France. We certainly have to hand it to these brothers in the service —- just think paying up these notes —- while some of the civilian brothers are not paying some $14,000 still in Treasurer Giesecke's note file. Looks like Phi Psi does something for these younger initiates that it did not do 10, 20 and 30 years ago at Missouri. Norm Ericson writes from Europe that he is still counting on doing big things at Mo Alpha after the war, Get this ~ now fellas. He wants to be the first one back to summer school and to help get the house in order etc., etc., Now there's a Bro. with spirit. Some more of that 1945 Mo PKP spirit. We read in the Dec. issue of the Mo Alumnus magazine that "Sen" Jones'08 boy was killed in action over France. He was in the Army Air Corps. In the same issue we see that Archie Klein 1914-15 M U grid star died Nov. 25 of a cerebral hemorrhage at Shepard Field, Texas. GOOD NEWS FOR THE Ue-—-—The University board of visitors has recommended a post war program for the U which will entail the expenditure of some 20 million dollars in Columbia. This will modernize all Red campus buildings and even might mean the passing of Jesse Hall dome. Some of the larger items to be Oked by the legislature (everybody write your representative). 3 million for a string of dormitories; 3 million for 6 Ag bldgse; 13 million for library expansion; 2 million to be used in college of engineering in new and reconditioned bldgs.; 13 million for a real aud- itorium; a student union or center 1 1/4 million; a $750, 000 gymnasium and 1 million for a new power plant and underground facilities. This program in comparison to the past annual expenditures of 1 or 2 million really is something to talk about. It is possible that this program may be financed by a bond issue which no doubt will meet with the approval of all interested in the University. So all you alums talk up Missouri. Bailey Gallison writes from U of Wise that he missed Annapolis on account of phy- sical impairment and is now back in radio school. He hears from piedge Harry Fey now in the army aircorps. He wants very much to return to school and be initiated. A nice letter from our former chapter accountant and business manager, Lt» H. H. Trice now in the Navy at Sampson, N. Ye telling how much he enjoyed this sheet. The editor thanks him for the praise he generously sent this way. Also wish to tell him that the Mo Alums never will forget what a good job he did in bringing the last cha pter out of the red at Columbia. We appreciate this no end, Lt. Comdr. Wentworth Wilder USNR—N ABU 8, FPO San Francisco, Calif, sends ten feet for our printshop —- said the reference in our last issue to the banquet and all his old brose having a charge or two just caused him to break down and give. Thanx Went. This Comdr. gets around some having been in Chicago, Indianapolis, Washington and Detroit, left San Francisco April '43 and is still in the SW Pacific as a com mander of a PT boat base in New Guinea, Has made friends with Com. John Bulkely and Cox of "We were expendible" fame and many other PT skippers. Wont is now assembling a big outfit to go somewhere in the Philippines. Mo A has a young P T skipper over there Comdre so watch a little out for him, Lt. (jg) Jim Keys. Thanks again Went and look us up the next time you're thru kK. C. Capt. Dean A. Redfield '30 is on Luzon with General MacArthur's amphibious Command and has to do with unloading the supplies headed for Manila. Lt. Ed Wright 132 USNR received a Navy Citation of Distinction for his brilliant wor’: in the Harvard Supply School being one of 6 men in eho to be thus cited. PAGE SIX. THE MO