PAGE BIGHT THE MOsALPHAN MARCH, 1945 _ Puny Waldens! old pal, Glenn Sibbitt, Ind. Delta is now at Remington Arms Ordinance Plant in the Engineering Dep't. Had a big time at the K. C,. Founders Day Dinner mingling with old Mo Alpha chums. | Edgar Swain '39 is with Remington Arms Co. at Lake City, Moe Ed is doing some travelling for that firm, Lt. Col. Duke Jorgensen, U. S, Marines, was home on leave at Christmas time from action in the S. W. Pacific. First time he had seen his twins (4 years old) for two years. His time was so short that we did not see him but understand he was look- ing very fit after 25 months of the roughest service in the Jap war. Truman Jorgensen has joined the U. S. Navy and is now at Great Lakes. He is the proud papa of a second baby ~ congrats Truman, Slip us a line or two, This makes Mo Alpha's No. 144 in service, Do you know that Mo Alpha has 88 members living in K. C, and the oldest brother being Dr. Roy McCubbin '08, and that 44 of these are in the armed service—50% —— . quite some record we will say, Bob Zane '33, is now a Capt. in the army airforces and his wife is now teaching school in DeRidder, La, Bob is in the Philippines and seeing plenty of action no doubt. Kenny Glassburn after having taken part in the invasions of Italy and France with the Air Transport has been promoted to Lt. Col. Kenny was awarded the presidential citation for outstanding performance during the Normandy invasion. Kenny has de~ livered paratroupers to Holland besides bringing back the wounded from the continent. He was down in the English Channel once and was several days getting back to his base. January rent from the house was $140 but, oh boy, wot sad news came with it. (See page two.) 7 Henry F. Misselwitz '22, writer, platform and radio lecturer, wishes us well with 2 bucks from P. 0. Box 354, San Carlos, Calif. Henry says he'll be visiting New York and points East this spring and will look up old Mo pals. Incidently he asks Bro. Ruby if he can "name the Presidents", Wo doubt this is a 25 year old question that Craig never quite answered. ; Joe Hughes doing Bomber work in Italy has his lst Lt. bars now and still slings a mean pen--not only that put he pays up his house notes thru 1947, Thanx Cho--—have one of those martinis for us willya plez. Note to Hd Petersen,..Joe is trying hard to find you. Bob Moore '29, 556 Westport Rds, Ke Ce, Mos, owner and operator of the Moore Co. Steel Fabricators, sends in 1) smacks for the Mo-Alphan. Now there's a guy that likes ‘to read a good sheet no doubt. Thanks Bob. sete HREMEMBER TO PAY UP YOUR 1945 MO-ALPHAN SUBSCRIPTION**#**#«™ Lt. Howard R. Thorpe '40, is one of our late $2 subscribers. Howard is an elec+ tronic officer in the U. S. Army Aircorps and will soon be headed in the direction of the Far Hast. Says he is sure to want to return to college for his last two year, when this is all over, Bev Bradish writes that he ran onto Lt. Andy Johnson while in Florida and that Andy was soon to pick up a ship at Seattle, Washington.