PAGE FIVE THE MO-ALPEAN MARCH, 1945 Lt. Jack Keith pays up his notes in full with a war bond. Now thie gent was initia ted in 194 and let's be proud of the youngest life member of our Corporation, Jack is doing his stuff on the battlefield of France. We certainly have to hand it to these brothers in the service —- just think paying up these notes —- while some of the civilian brothers are not paying some $14,000 still in Treasurer Giesecke's note file. Looks like Phi Psi does something for these younger initiates that it did not do 10, 20 and 30 years ago at Missouri. Norm Ericson writes from Europe that he is still counting on doing big things at Mo Alpha after the war, Get this ~ now fellas. He wants to be the first one back to summer school and to help get the house in order etc., etc., Now there's a Bro. with spirit. Some more of that 1945 Mo PKP spirit. We read in the Dec. issue of the Mo Alumnus magazine that "Sen" Jones'08 boy was killed in action over France. He was in the Army Air Corps. In the same issue we see that Archie Klein 1914-15 M U grid star died Nov. 25 of a cerebral hemorrhage at Shepard Field, Texas. GOOD NEWS FOR THE Ue-—-—The University board of visitors has recommended a post war program for the U which will entail the expenditure of some 20 million dollars in Columbia. This will modernize all Red campus buildings and even might mean the passing of Jesse Hall dome. Some of the larger items to be Oked by the legislature (everybody write your representative). 3 million for a string of dormitories; 3 million for 6 Ag bldgse; 13 million for library expansion; 2 million to be used in college of engineering in new and reconditioned bldgs.; 13 million for a real aud- itorium; a student union or center 1 1/4 million; a $750, 000 gymnasium and 1 million for a new power plant and underground facilities. This program in comparison to the past annual expenditures of 1 or 2 million really is something to talk about. It is possible that this program may be financed by a bond issue which no doubt will meet with the approval of all interested in the University. So all you alums talk up Missouri. Bailey Gallison writes from U of Wise that he missed Annapolis on account of phy- sical impairment and is now back in radio school. He hears from piedge Harry Fey now in the army aircorps. He wants very much to return to school and be initiated. A nice letter from our former chapter accountant and business manager, Lt» H. H. Trice now in the Navy at Sampson, N. Ye telling how much he enjoyed this sheet. The editor thanks him for the praise he generously sent this way. Also wish to tell him that the Mo Alums never will forget what a good job he did in bringing the last cha pter out of the red at Columbia. We appreciate this no end, Lt. Comdr. Wentworth Wilder USNR—N ABU 8, FPO San Francisco, Calif, sends ten feet for our printshop —- said the reference in our last issue to the banquet and all his old brose having a charge or two just caused him to break down and give. Thanx Went. This Comdr. gets around some having been in Chicago, Indianapolis, Washington and Detroit, left San Francisco April '43 and is still in the SW Pacific as a com mander of a PT boat base in New Guinea, Has made friends with Com. John Bulkely and Cox of "We were expendible" fame and many other PT skippers. Wont is now assembling a big outfit to go somewhere in the Philippines. Mo A has a young P T skipper over there Comdre so watch a little out for him, Lt. (jg) Jim Keys. Thanks again Went and look us up the next time you're thru kK. C. Capt. Dean A. Redfield '30 is on Luzon with General MacArthur's amphibious Command and has to do with unloading the supplies headed for Manila. Lt. Ed Wright 132 USNR received a Navy Citation of Distinction for his brilliant wor’: in the Harvard Supply School being one of 6 men in eho to be thus cited.