PAGE TWO : THE MO~ALPHAN MARCH, 1945 of Kansas Alpha at the same base. Dave has reason to believe that"Phi Psis are just a little higher type of fellow than the rest". Sure Dave we've know that since 1913 and it gives us lots of pride to realize this feeling still is prevalent, Dave informs us that Lt. Harry Griffin is instructing at Corpus working with the South American cadets, Also that Mrs. Griffin is probably the best cook on the base, Dave having been a guest at their house recently. Dave is one of the boys who will re- turn to MU to finish his education. BANG**BANG**BANG**.—Wot a wollup. Had to buy a new hot water heater and tank for the house-~looks like about a $150 raid on Giesecke's bank accounte We give thanks we have rent coming in for such expenses. Barl Baggerly S2/c, V-7 Unit Voorhees 4, RPI Troy, New York is provably one eine Navy's best trained and ub ahve Shvmeheenateieed seamen. We have stopped counting his changes—he's tops tho and always at the head of his class and one of the Editor's favorite recent Initiates. He is now at V7 Academic Refresher school at Renselaer Polytecnic and will soon go to a Middy school. During his sojourn at Great Lakes, Earl attended a N U Phi Psi party and had one of the best times ever~also stated the Life Magazine Photographer was hanging around and that "we might be seen in that mag some time soon", Says Northwestern chapter is composed of NROTC mostly and it is a very fine group of men, about 30 in all. Sarl has also visited Dartmouth College. V-mail from Dick Hall in France sending congratulations on our new House Corp. board of directors. His outfit is attached to the lst Army, says Jack Keith and Norm Ericson are not far from him but he has not seen 'em. Bob Lockwood discharged from Army Engineers is back in Santa Fe with the New Mex. Hi~way Dept. and expects to take-his masters degree at U of New Mexico. Bob is mar~ ried and living at the La Posada Apts. FURNITURE FUND Previously acknowledged last issue _ $2497.50 "Bill" Piatt Kansas A 1893 2050 Lt. Jack Keith in France House notes in full. 74200 Sam I Major : House notes in full. 200200 Our goal Storekeeper lst Cl. Murray Wenzel, U.S.N.R. 20000 $3500.00. Al Olson 10.00 Hurry boys Hal Bray 20.00 the war will Lt. "Cho" F. Hughes Be24 pilot Italy 20.00 be over before Navy Air Cadet Dave Owen (Corpus) 10.00 we get this T. Fiske Marbut 2e50 total. Lt. Allan Ragan in England 10, 00 $2800.50 Well, well, we were very agreeably surprised when treasurer Marsh Giesecke of the Corp. and Meuhlebach Brewry called and related that that big oil trucking tycoon and illustrious brother from St. Louis, the one and only genial Sam Ie Major '25 flipped a check on the huge Giesecke desk for the most generous sum (a record to date for a single donation) of $250.00 for--$100 to furnish bedroom Noe 9; $100 for the building fund; and $50 for this noble sheet, the Mo~Alphan----We are sure this should be the SAM.I. MAJOR issue and hereby name it such. Wotta-guy and SH SH SH SH, Sam is to be a papa one of these hear daze, Thanks too much our fran, may there be more Bros, in the woods with beeg checks to match yourn. Sam is owner and operator of a 50 truck fleet of oil and gas transports in St. Louis travelling to points in J1l- inois, Iowa and Mo., with offices at 301 Buder Bldg,, St. Louis 1, Mo. Youse guys drop aim a line--he has some "top" ideas about Missouri Alpha that deserve your con-