yo 1f at home, s m at th long table and fill your hearts content. REMEMBER ~ the pride that every minute on the campus you felt that , distinction that so many other fellows would have given anything for - the distinction of being A PHI PSI, REMEMBER « the dances + the good times with the feeling always that you were truly at home <= your own home. No matter where you are your thoughts will wander back to YOUR PHI PSI HOME and the wonderful association there with your other BROTHERS, * * kK Ox ; NOW - more than ever before your help is needed «« YOU can do a little for the Old House that has done so much for you «= your PHI PSI HOME needs YOU and ALL OF US to revive and keep alive those dreams and memories we all hold so dear «« . i: “\. REMEMBER to do ‘ " something to hel i | ° Tice Brother, a é oe org i Fn ghee I, / oo Z —— zZ ” ) ea se IV lo Atgh A117 MARCH, 1945 VOL IV, 1 PHI KAPPA PSI at UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI