June 6, 1945. Mr. Carter L. Williams, B15 City Bank Bldg., - Kensas City, Mo. Dear Brother Bones: Thank you very much for the Mo Alphan. I am delighted to know that your gon Curtis has pledge Phi Psi. I spoke at their banquet there, and I remember the young man very well. He is a fine chap. It will be glld to congratulate him upon the next oscasion I sea him. : % : : : You are certainly doing a swell job with your brochure. In scanning through your Alphan I note that ugly seore, Missouri 28, Kansas 0. aes With no malice aforethoucht whatsoever, I am sending "you a Jayhawk Rebounds which describes a Big Six race back in 1932.. You might get a bang out of the score, but nothing ocompmrable to that 28 to 0 score. With all good wishes, I an Yours in the Bond, \ \ a . Director of Physical Education, FOA:AB Varsity Basketball Coach.