First Fifteen Men 1. Senesky, George, St. Joseph's 2. Black, Charles, Kansas 4. Boykeff, St. Johns S. Evans, Ray, Fansas 6. Komenick, Milo, “yoming 7. Vance, Illinois 8. Tucker, Gerald, U of Oklahom 9. Graham, Otto, Northwestern 10, Beisser, Creighton : lle Hock, Gene, U of So. California 12. Hargis, Texas 13. Kotz, Jom, “isconsin 14. Sailor, Kenneth, Myoming 15. Langer, Creighton Babich, Fordham Bishop, Gale, tiashington State Boylan, St. Josephs Butler, Notre Dane Bach, . Fordham Curran, Notre Dame Fogo, Geo. Pepperdine