NUMBER 245 One Solicitation Will Carry Load Money Given to Chest Will Finance Servicemen’s Programs. DRIVE STARTS MONDAY; Kick-Off Breakfast for Men Will Be Held at the Eldridge Money contributed to the Lawrence War Chest will fi- nance the local program for the benefit of men in service, No further solicitation will be imiade from local organizations and individuals for funds to carz, on the work here to en- tertain soldiers and sailors stationed at K. U., and visit- iny service men, man for the National War Fund; today said it was important for all contributors to realize their gifts will make possible a continuance of the week-end program at the iCommunity Building managed by ‘the Community Service League, with regular weekly dances and maintenance of the game room and lounge privileges. Also included in the War Chest: plan is an allotment for funds to provide additional equipment for the Service Men’s club, at Ninth and | Massachusetts streets, in the build- jing formerly occupied by the Peoples State bank. From Several Sources For the last year the weekend program in the Community Build- ing has been financed from several sources, including contributions from many clubs, lodges and firms. In the future the program will be financed by the War Chest, with- out further solicitation, put indi- viduals and groups will be continued to be asked to give time and at- tention to provide the personal res lationship required in properly ene tertaining service men. War Chest officials have. praised |the present service men’s enters | tainment program in Lawrence and | believe that it compares favorably. | with the better city-sponsored en- ‘tertainment programs thruout the country. Particulat emphasis hag been placed upon a close fplations ship. between the community an service groups, and volunteer ac _tivity of Lawrence families in oe planning and conduct of week-e parties; - The War Chest campaign will start officially Monday oe with a Douglas county quota $29, 617 for both the National War Fund and the regular Comnauinity Chest activities. Arthur B, Weaver’ district chairs“ ~