Osteber 15, 1945. ir. George P. Williams, 2018-22 Packard Building, Dear George: Yes, I agree with you that the use of Phog and George is much better than any ether names, because after all, those names, aren't they? 3 are : r will keep you on our mailing list, you can be assured. Ag you say, there are many of the boys : 11 you a lot about them. She Many of the boys are now in the New Georgia Isiands and many have been cannot reveal their location. We want you to know that it was one of our durable pleasures to have you and Irs. Williams in our home in the capacity that you game. Certainly no two people could be any more kind to a daughter- in-law than you have been. It is an infinite pleasure to know that you love Tuck so much. And I want to assure you that Gil has been taken into our hearts as definitely as Tuck has been into yours. So I eam sure that with this splendid affection of both fanilies for the | youngsters that they will have a very happy and lovely wedded life. Eleanor has been writing her mother regularly, and Eleanor's joy has been shared by us through her letters. | I sent Barby a Jayhawk Rebounds. While she won't knowmany > of the individuals, she may get something cut of it. When Mra. Williams and Barby left for Kansas City we had a nice visit at the train. I told Barby about the Rebounds and she asked that we seni her one, which we are doing. I em glad that-she is so happy in her location at Bryn Mawr, and I imow that she cannot help but do excellent work because it is in the blood. = / Please do not feel that it is necessary to correspond with me although I do enjoy your letters very much. I certainly had genuine \