Willard L. Winey Jr. PhM 2/c. Hqe lst. Bn., Seventh Mazines, je Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, California. November 18, 1943. Dr. z C. Allen: gust in tine for the Yuletide Season, and in good keeping with the ancient spirit of the Day I hereby purpose this note. If in this note my true spirit reflective of a long held. esteem for you were to be published I quickly predict a failure; for it is my nature to deal in the simple truth with a repetitious and grandiloquent shade of meaning generally being the verdict of my cautious reader. Therefore with an eye toward the avoidance of such dangerous misinterpertations I shall guide my pen along more elementary avenues of approach. If I "hang any stockings" this year it will be on "swaying palms" and in the neighborhood of a village in which resides the "Fuzzy-jjuzzys". These people undoubtedly are cofcsious of what this season means to the fellows over here. They have made friendly contact with the "white Man" and many will sur- prize and make you feel inadequate by the fine English they speak. From my brief experience with them I have been persuaded to believe that, although for centuries kept in a "Dark Age", will fill the pages of history with a tale equal to the "conscious-minded" ende- avorments of "our civilizabion"., Their's has long been a deep- secret, long kept; but with the coming of White Man worldly en- lightenment most probably will evolve. - Jt is not known by me just where and what your sons! are presently located and in what they invest their respective talents. Naturally they, as before, recieve my best wishes for a xuccessful future. Until later Dr., this will be an old golfing acquaintence leaving you on the "nineteenth", yours will be, I am sure A Very Merry christmas and A New Year of Golfing health and happiness, WILLARD L. WINEY JR. PHARMACIST MATE SECOND CLASS, UNITED STATES NAVAL SERVICE, HAVING SERVED SOME TEN MONTHS OVERSEAS WITH THE UNITED STATES MARINES. war, Ke > Geo Oe.