SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA March 9th, 1944. Dear Forrest:-- The newspaper boys out here are quizzing me a little about Kansas' standing in Big Six basketball, as you are generally on top or mighty close by, but I tell them with ease there is only as answer, LACK OF MATERIAL, as K. U. has the best coach in the country. I notice the nice comment by McBride in the Star regarding his prediction and yours on the team most likely to win the championship this time and it appears you came in a nose ahead of him. It should be a good drawing card if Iowa State and Oklahoma could play a third game in Kansas City. | We have been out here now for three years this time and oer getting anxious to Nucis see home folks and friends, so hurry up and get this old war over. Mrs. Wolf joins in kindest regards and best wishes to you and your good wife. Sincerel Oscar D. Wolf, $290 Sixth Avenue, San Diego, 3, Galil. £