LYNDON PUBLIC SCHOOLS R, P. WELLBORN, SUPT. LYNDON, KANSAS Merch 24th, 1944 Dr, F. C. Allen Lawrence, KansaSe Dear Dr. Allen: It was a pleasure indeed to hear that you are to be with us next Thursday evening for our banquet honoring the football and basketball squadse tir, Spring informed me that you would like some information about the boys, but don't know just what 1 can tell that will be of any great help. “ight say thet the athletic letters are beimg awarded that evening and we try to get something on each of the boys. The football team did not lose a game. Dale Arutsinger was captain, and is a senior. Ue is manager of the local theater and is very fond of a little senior by the name of Ruthie Bell. The backfield consisted of Tomberlin, Turvey, Johnston, and Stavelye The basketball team won the state elimination tournament at Burlingame, and second in the state regional at Osage City. Tomberlin, a senior, was captain. Uther members were John- ston, Artz, Turvey, Evans, and Warner. The boys are very much pleased that you have consented to come, and 1 hope the evening here will be a pleasant one for you also. R. P. Wellborn