ae 3 Hkigo the 1 bocerele Cees anh S ourck ies : AMERICAN RED CROSS Mr. O.« Lange, Wilson Sporting Goods Coe, 741 Mission St., Sen Prancisco, Calif. Dear Mr. Lange: At your request we are sending a copy of Goal-ili Rules to Mr. % Le Kuser, at Camo Swain, Alamo, Contra Costa Coumty California. This is going to him with our comp linents. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Hducation, Varsity Basketball Coache To) Wee N: STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. - EXBROOK [355 July 24, 1944 Dr. Forest Allen Director Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sirs Would you please send at your earliest convenience one copy of your Gol Hi Rules to Mr. W. L. Kuser, c/o Camp Swain, Alamo, Contra Costa County, Californias. Please send this collect to the above address. Thank youe Very truly yours WILSON SPORTING GOODS CO, O. Lange OLer August 1, 1944. Mr. George A. Stern, Wilson & Coe, Ince, 4lst St. & So. Ashland AvGes Chicago 9, Ill. Dear Mr. Stern: «ZT sineerely thank you for your kindness in mailing me a souvenir of the Wilson Bond Wezon im the form of playing cards. I took them home to i ba. tikes ook Us as pleased with them indeed. It was thoughtful of you to do this. I assure you that I enjoyed what little part I had in the bond sale. Certainly Wilson and Company, with their Six- Horse Hitch of Clydesdales and the Victory Bond wagon did much to stimulate the sale of bonds here in Douglas County. You were most cooperative in every way, and we want you to. know how very much we appreciate the sum. Please extend ow’ personal thanks to Mr. Thoms E. Wilson and Wilson & Company for your generosity, courtesy and high degree of efficiency. Sincerely yours, ° Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. «pt. ~-participang.. }-Gmerican(Meatjinstitute} < Advertising and Sales Progte™ : WILSON & Co. INC. PACKERS AND PROVISIONERS : PHONE YARDS 4000 4187 ST.4N2 SO.ASHLAND AVE. CHICAGO 9,U.S.A. July 20, 1944 Dre Fe Ce Allen Kansas University Laurence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens We wish to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation on behalf of Mr. Thomas E. Wilson and Wilson & Co. for your active interest in the bond sales tour of Kansas recently completed by our Six-Horse Hitch of Clydesdales and the Victory Bond Wagon. To all who co-operated with this tour -- Kansas Livestock Association officials, members of the State and County War Savings Staff, persons who arranged the local bond rallies, and those who co-operated through press and radio -- must go credit for its success. Through your efforts a total of over $2,000,000.00 in bonds were sold from the. Bond Wagon. In addition, the importance of purchasing bonds was again brought to the attention of meny persons in those communities in which the Bond Wagon made an appearance. Under separate cover, we have mailed you a souvenir of the Wilson Bond Wagon, which we want you to accept as an expression of our appreciation for your help in making the bond sales tour a real suecess. 8 rd So. Vee WILSON & CO., INC. ER PRED ~ ae Sees ie pit a a Rm = npn ORES RTE ET Gee nes RS Daag es eee eee eae - : ee ae hee ag eee eee I have always felt that the energies of athletic direotors and physical directors should be directed toward winning the Very sinverely yours, Direster of Physical Education, — FCAAH Varsity Basketball Coach. 4 ay ‘- q 5 ; 4 Duet ts Dees LAW OFFICE OF PAUL WARD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING HAYS, KANSAS June 8, 1944 Dr. F. C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I have your note and also received a copy of your Jayhawk Rebounds, and thank you very much for remembering to send these to me. I enjoyed looking them over very much. Again, and in behalf of your many friends in this area, I want to thank you for the pleasure which you gave us in taking time out from your busy world to visit us here in Hays. With kindest personal regards, we are ot Sincerely yours, Paul Ward Pw:fe ~~ ee fn ncinht The sleds. a es ae ; ha die ee PATON ton 7 THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE HENRY WERNER MEN STUDENTS’ ADVISER 2 June 28, 18044 Dre and Mrs. Fe. C. Allen 801 Louisiana City Dear Dr. and Mrse Allen: The Jayhawk Nibble will be held on Saturday, July lst in Fowler Grove at 6:30. The Arrangement Committee will be delighted if you can arrange to be their guests for the evening. Very sincerely yours, THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE HENRY WERNER MEN STUDENTS’ ADVISER June 28, 1944 Dr. Forrest C. Allen 107 Robinson Campus Dear Phog: I have talked with Mrs. Hulteen while you were out of the office concerning the possibility of using the piano from the gym over Sunday and Mrs. Hulteen believes that this can be arranged. This will be used for the community singe ing on Saturday night, July lst. We are anticipating a fair crowd of freshmen students and I am sure that they will avail themselves very readily of the outdoor play equipment which you and I agreed on for that eveninge Very sincerely yours, Henry Werne retary > Jayhawk Nibb}s Committee = 3 Kt dey tht Fi ap {GE Gn wn , t + rae Sef iy x Fes Say ae aA ae is ae ty: 4 S 3 Sf asi AMC gary WSR pane: Serene” am e% eae 5 ri cak RST ss