( F 1 ae August 28, 1944. Mr. Herbert E. Wiebe, Director of Recreation, Bethel College, North Newton, Kansas. Dear Mr. Wiebe: | I can appreciate your dilemma since you have so few boys are at Bethel. I can hardly visualize your set up there. A recreation — program needs to fit into a special situation, and since I am not ac- quainted with your set up it is very difficult for me to prescribe. I believe that the.dances .are, taboo edetne? but I am quite ‘gure that the square dances wo _not%,.be out of bounds.at,vour place, If not, that would be one feature that you could promote. You could paint shuffleboard courts on your gymasium floor and you could make that a co-recreation feature of entertainment. You could have badminton — and work that in with some competitive co-recreation tournament. All of your physical and social activities must be tied in, in such a way that they are not extraneous but an inherent part of your school activities. A@RA eyvCeLeyA Aocm.e* By the way, if you do not to use paint on the floor in marking the shuffleboard courts, you could take one-fourth of Lelage's glue and three-fourths of show card shiting or show card color and paint the lines on the floor. Warm Water will erase all lines of this nature so that no one could object to your placing them temporarily there as long as they might be needed, and yet that would not deface the floor one bit. yeenuyue Aom ol, om. geeyie ge coobeisse ajfey Aon* [| ow ure. that.“ Introduction to. Community Recreation", 1, Roarestion Assopiation by. George. De, gutler. would d.. give, you, some, fine,ideas, Also, “The pe by desiie- D. Irwin,. pub- a 13 . 7 ompany of St. lots. might prove helpful. I am sorry that you were not able to attend ow Recreation Institute. We had a lady stenographer take down all the activities of this institute. The time consumed for this would run into a lot of money on the hourly basis. However, we desired to preserve the activities of the five-day institute. We have in typewritten form the entire mterial