6 Lt. Commander Nathan Young, a 1009 Baltimere Avenue, oe Kansas City, Mee . i 2 Dear Comaander Young: | I om very heppy to write you conserning the) personality and the ability of Franklin f,. Wright, of the R. a7 Build- ing, Kensas City, Missouri. | } T have known Ur. Wright personally for twenty-five years. I imew him as @ student et the University of Kensas and I have had contacts with him off and on up te the present time. Mr. Wright pessesses a fine personality and exceptional abilit to get aleng with men with whem he comes in contact. He has exoeptional progress in the lumber industry, at the present time being general manager of the wood preserving division ef the Leng-Bell Lunber Company. 4 : In addition to his executive ability, lir. Wright is a men of vision as well as ef action. In his student days he was a leader in campus extracurricular ectivitics. Everybody knew him en the campus by his ability te organize the students inte the various groups. His character was and is of the best. I aw happy to recomend hin without reservation or evasion. Very cordially yours, | Directer of Physical Bdueation, FCA:AH : Varsity Basketball Coach.