wre ¥ : ‘gas ; < oy aa WS . . 4 TLAYGROUND) D) peor REE \ wow & acetone LNA EVERYTHING FOR PLAYGROUNDS ita, Saree COMPLETE LINE POOL EQUIPMENT SLIDES, SWINGS, SEE-SAWS eT ES AND WATER SPORT DEVICES GIANT STRIDES, GYM COMBINATIONS PLT || FLOOD Ligure fo Anderson, Indiana December 28, 1942 A Special Message to Our Preferred Customers - Dear Friend: Recently, as outlined in our letter of October 5th, the manufacture of AMERICAN Approved Playground and Swimming Pool Equipment was curtailed by order of the War Production Board. You may recall, however, that we were permitted to assemble the raw materials then in our inventory - up to the limiting date of November 3rd; and, the WPB Iron and Steel Limitation Order did not prohibit the manufacture of essential REPAIR PARTS for our equipment. Accordingly, we immediately worked up into finished, assembled units the materials on hand; and, we have in stock a limited quantity of the following AMERICAN Apparatus available for prompt shipment - Playground Equipment REPAIR PARTS Pool Equipment REPAIR PARTS CASTLE TOWER Climbing Structures Several OFFICIAL Diving Units American Approved BICYCLE RACKS Regulation Diving Boards Standard AMERICAN Swing Sets AMERICAN Springboard Outfits Type-C and Type-B SEH-SAW Sets A few Steel Pool LADDERS American WOOD Siderail Slides Fulcrums - Frame Fittings Painted Finish FLAG Poles AMERICAN Cocoa Matting plus a number of our AMERICAN Merry-Go-Rounds, Wave and Giant Stride Outfits, Horizontal Ladders, Park Settees and Picnic Grills. You will find our moderate, nationally advertised prices for the above units clearly stated in our current #30 Playground and #SP-19 Swimming Pool Equipment Catalogs, for materials f.o.b. our factory. TERMS: 5% Discount if full remittance accompanies your order. — If your present or anticipated AMERICAN Equipment needs are to be sup- plied from our limited inventory, we suggest that you mail your order in to us NOW, on the convenient order form enclosed - so that we may be able to serve you to the very best advantage. Many thanks, in advance! wpm/se Warren P. Miller, President encls: Order form - American Playground Device Co.