Life Insurance C ompa ny HOME OFFICE BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS GUY W. COX, President HARRY H. WELSH, Jr., General Agent Suite 814 Commerce Trust Building 922 Walnut Street Janue ry 8 ’ 1943 Telephone Harrison 0735 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physicel Education Versity Basketball Coach University of Kensas. Lewrence, Kansas. Dear "Doc"; First, I must congratulate you on your Victory over Missouri, although you know I wasn't particularly pleased, especially when Kensas gave us such a terrific drumming, but I made a prediction and I still think it is a good one. I told a couple of people here in Kansas City that you woulc have one of the outstending teams of the country and I will be very disappointed if you are not the new Intercollegiate Champions. I assure you “Doc" I will be for you except when you piay Missouri. I appreciate your letter in regard to the double header here in Kensas City end I assure you any arrangements you make will meet with the approval of everyone. I sm only sorry that the game with the Great Lekes Saturday night will not be the last geme as it would be the climex of two fine nights of basket ball but if it can't be done, it just can't happen. My best regards for you for the Season and when you e@ re in Kensas City be sure to come in to see me. Sincerely yours, conerel eg HAW: jk KANSAS CITY, MO.