GUY W. COX, President a tual Life Insurance C ompany HOME OFFICE BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS HARRY H. WELSH, Jr., General Agent February 6 s 1 943 Suite 814 Commerce Trust Building 922 Walnut Street Telephone Harrison 0735 KANSAS CITY, MO. Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Doc": I certainly do think that was ea pretty sizeable sum for two ball games, especially when Missouri did not come up to our expectetions. I must admit they did not look any too hot, but I can only say the nicest things about your ball club end sincerely believe, if you had been hitting your free throws, you would have won. You have a great bell club end I do hope you will be able to finish the season, 2 11 —+—_, -{ IE casas Dorman O'Leary end I have talked a great deel about double- headers et the Hall end if you have any suggestions as to when we cen get together on a double-header, whenever you can arrenge it, I am sure we can meke arrangements to play them. I have always thought double-headers would go over big in the Hell and am more fully convinced after the two played there. If we could only get the Missouri team up and play two high ranking bell clubs in e dovuble-header, it would be a great thing for both schools am, of course, for Kansas City. The next time you are in town, please give me e ring end we will try to corner Dormen O'Leery end see what we cen do. Si a. y HHA :MP