of Section Three, Article Six reads as follows: : : : : LAWRENCE COUNTRY CLUB Lawrence, Kansas SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS MEETING LAWRENCE COUNTRY CLUB TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 11,1943 aT & P.M, A special stockholders meeting is to be held at the club house for the purpose of amending Section Three of Article Six of the By-Laws relative to dues for social members, and to transact any other business pertinent to stockholders. The proposed β€”β€”β€” β€˜tee dam fr social members shall be $20. per year payable six months in advance. One-fourth of all such dues collected shall be placed in a special fund to be expended solely for the purpose of retiring the mortgage indebtedness of the Club." : "The dues for Class One non-resident members shall be $36. per year, payable in twelve monthly installments due the first of each month, in advance. One-~sixth of all such dues collected shall be placed in a special fund to be expended solely for the poreee of retiring the =r eee indebtedness of the club. * Geo. T. Wetzel, Secy-Treas.