September 9, 1942. Mr. Sheldon Wingerd, of o Y.U.C.A. 2 St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Shel: I received your good Satna wh Seleacbidy poms oad un aeey that you are located with the West Publishing Company, but sorry thet you have not heard from the other position that you desired more than this one. If at any time I can be of any service te you I want you to feel free to call upon me. I knew you must get quite a buzz out of the football ramblings of the West legal staff. I had a coaghing school in Towa with Bernie Bierman and Clark Shaughnessy, and I know that Minnesota does have the power, so somebody had better look out. Incidentally, Nebraska is a power house to be recopyised, but Towa, Drake and Kensas will not be tough enough to open up the panzer divisions of the big boys. — I believe that Mit is going along in good shape and that at the end of this next year he should be im a position to paddle his own canoe in a rather satisfactory fashion. With ell good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, POA:AH , Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.