Mire Fe Ge Neloh firector of Athletics Kansas State Teachers College Emporia, Kansas Dear Mire Welch: | This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of October 29 with the $5.00 check encloseds — . Dre Allen is out of town at the present time speaking at the State High Sehool Teachers Associations meetings, athletic sections, in Toledo and Milwaukece _ It was Dr. Allen's desire to answer your letter before he left tom, but not finding time to do so, he hag asked me to tell you that he will write you as soon as he returns. : , SNe Sincerely yours, Secretary to Dr. Forrest C, Allen THE KANSAS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE OF EMPORIA . FOUNDED IN 1863 AS THE KANSAS STATE NORMAL SCHOOL THOMAS W. BUTCHER, PRESIDENT EMPORIA October 29, 1940 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Lawrence Lawrence, Kansas Dear Fog: I am enclosing a check for $5 for your services in connection with the leg injury of Melvin Long. The injury is not making very rapid progress. I continue to keep his hip loosened up but as yet he is unable to ‘ get full extension of his leg. He has some pain in the anterior edge of the joint when he straightens the leg. I am confident that he had considerable strain on the ligament and I am not yet sure that he has a cartilage bothering him. He was able to get along with a caneon Monday and Tuesday last week and I kept him in bed at night with hot epsom salts packs on lis knee and gave him a diathermic treatment once a day. He had considerable swelling in the leg until yesterday and still has some. We kept it wrapped with an Ace bandage all the time. He has been taking some exercise the last few days, perhaps too much, because we haventt been able to get the knee entirely free from swelling. I sincerely hope that he will be able to go by the 9th, but unless we will be able to get full extension of the leg and relief from some of the pain, I sincerely doubt that it would be advisable. if you have any further suggestions concerning treat- ment let me know. With kindest personal regards and many thanks to you for your cooperation, I am Sincerely yours, FL Abele Fe Ge Welch a FGW:dh — Director of Athletics Enc. check November 9, 1940 Mrector of Athieties Nerthwestern University Evanston, Illinois Dear vere | ; tie tie Mesleninaen, ae Wh nee wien here at the University of Kansas, desires to purchase a ticket for the Northwesterneliotre Dame gamee He dropped inte the office and asked me to make inquiry regarding the prices. Will you please inform me what the price for this game is, including mailing charge aa” CC that enount. | 5 ek the Borttcwstensebiiuectn’ diab deeb “Saturday end believe me it was @ thrillers Northwestern - veally deserved to wins ot oe on gee you after the games | Sincerely. yours, FCAslg K. L.WILSON NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUGATION AND ATHLETICS EVANSTON, ILLINOIS DIRECTOR OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS November 15, 1940 Mr. Forrest ©. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Forrest: I regret to advise you that there is not a single seat available for the Northwestern-Notre Dame Game on November 2érd. I had a few set aside but they were pounced on by the President and members of the Board of Trustees. I wish that I could help you out on this, but we have been sold out for over a month, and we have turned back some 10,000 orders. We have a couple of tough ones left, but the boys are going good. With best regards, 1 am Very truly yours, WK Quite KLW:sNDL November 12, 1940 everybody is near normaley againe Congratulations to you and your party, because if I read the signs right this should insure another four years of your incumbensy. I trust that everything will be as happy and pleasant for you in the next four years as they have been in the past six or sevens | 7 Dede, I am asking a favor,if you can grant i for Bud Herrimane You know Bud I am sur@e He is the son of Mrs and Mrse Lloyd Webster. I ee ee struggle to see her children through the Universitye I remember years back when she was secretary for Dick Williams of the Yetkins Banke Then when the Watkins Bank and the Lawrences National Bank consolidated, we hired Mrse Webster here in the Athletic offices She has struggled ee ee ee at | 4. % e Bud cechh dias tae thatthe ae if Dood wette yous Sh it would help nin to me aud if bp we Sertente Gam E . Dode, you have been very kind to me in a great number of | instances, and I assure you I would consider it a personal favor if you ean see fit to help this young, worthy boye : | Mr. Williens Page Two Nove 12, 1940 ‘I hope that I may be able to reciprocate your kindness at sometime in the future. With kindest regards and best wishes, I an, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg ce; Mrs. Webster CLASS OF SERVICE 1201 SYMBOLS ] This is a full-rate DL=Day Letter NL=Night Letter Teiegram or Cable- vam unless its de- erred character is in- 4 5 6: j LC =Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. - B. NEWCOMB eo ones J. Cc. WILLEVER > Ship Radiogram c FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination RE = NOV 10 PRS Be KAD9O 27 NT 4 EXTRA=LOSANGELES CALIF 19 FOREST C ALLEN= 3 DIRECTOR ATHLETICS KANSAS UNIVERSITY KR= —— COULD YOu HAVE ALL WELLHAUSES GET IN TOUCH WITH ME IMMEDIATELY CAN USE, “HEM BANK OF AMERICA CLUB 1F INTERESTED IN PERMANENT JOB=) AB YOUNG BANK OF AMERICA COACH 637 NO WILCOX HOLLYWOODs | , Fai i THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE November 25, 1940 Mr, Louis talker 2103 Harriet South =s«jv. Minneapolis, Minnesota Dear lr. Walker; : Please find enclosed our basketball schedule for the coming + ‘Last year we lost Don Ebling, Senior, forward, one of our most versatile mens also Dick Harp, Senior, guard, another o : mane Both Ebling and Harp were eo-captains for the past year and played three years on the Kansas Varsity. Bruce Voran, Senior, center, forward or guard, the most versatile utility man I ever coached, was also lost to use Voran filled in in any of the weak spots.’ I withheld him from | play until a weak spot appeared and immediately inserted hin in any one of the three positions. These three boys were versatile, intelligent and , 2 Ralph Miller, Junior, who aas been on the Varsity two years, was our high point man for the year. He will not play this year because of a trick football knee. He is 6 feet 13 inches and was actla ined’ the-most outstanding basketball player in Kansas during hie high school dayse These four men are a decided less to any Varsity teams The fifth man was Jack Sands, Senior, » forward or guard; another utility mane So you see you camot lose five men of this caliber and fail to feel the loss. | Our team this year will be very much saaller than last year and very much more inexperienced. For replacement for the larger men we have smalier men and less experience so we cannot be optimistic regarding this year's outlooke oe The men who returned this year are Howard Engleman, Senior, forwards Robert Allen, Senior, quarterback (we call him quarterback because he handles the ball on offense on all-set play). I have shifted Allen te guard this year and aa using & reserve, William Hogben, a quarterback, for center. The forward positions will be held by sophomores who are very much lighter and inexperiencede John Buescher seemg to be promisings : as If you desire more information regarding the personnel, please write me and I will have our publicity man mail you the roster of the teams We have no men graduating at mid-semester. eo With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education and Recreation FeAgig : Varsity Basketball Coach November 20, 1940 Director of Athletics University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Sir: As in past years, the writer would appreciate your sending me your basketball schedule for this coming season. Also, I would like to have your ow personal opinion as to the prospects for your squad this year. Do they look better or-worse than last year's team? How do the new men on the . squad shape up? Man for man, will the team be larger or smaller? What members of last year's squad are back, and do any of them graduate et mid-year? : I am looking forward to seeing your teem in action sometime this winter. Wishing you and your squad the best of luck, and hoping that you have a great year, I am Yours very truly, Louis Walker Louis Walker 2) OF 2645 Harriet South Minneapolis, Minn. November 27, 1940 Mr. Yekb Woodward Webb Woodward & Coo 635 Jackson Topeka, Kansas Dear Webbs I was mighty happy to have your good letter of the 26th instant, and you can rest assured that had I been in a position te attend such an occasion I would have been theres _ reeeived a letter fran Major Williem Brady, who was stationed here at the niversity before he went to Hawaii, and he wrote me that he had a man in his outfit named Tom Woodward who was from the University of Kansas I did not lmow that fom was located there.. I knew tijor Brady when he ws @ mere tiny tot in Independence, Missouri, In fact, I lived next door to him when he was born. The Bradys ere fine people and I am very fond of thems ; | ; I wish for you and yours @ happy Holiday season With all good wishes, I em, Fraternally yours, — Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FOAslg WEBB WOODWARD & CO. Fire « Casualty « Bonds TELEPHONE NUMBER 2-2334 oT 7 tts tie bef frit Gee COMPLETE PROPERTY PROTECTION Desenber 10, 1940 Dre Fred Wri ghtman Stele prug Store Building Sabetha, Kansas Dear Dre Wrightman: I am sending you a tear-sheet from the Lawrence Journal World regarding Frede It is on page 2 under “The Hill Column", | I am sending it to your office so that you might see it, and if you want to show it to Mrse Vrightman, of course, that is your affairs I would not be honest with you miess I kept you advised. If there is anything that I can coi Fag ee ee PS ae: Bek ten ey too glad to do ite Fratermally yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg F. E. WRIGHTMAN, M. D. SABETHA, KANSAS Desember 12, 1940 Miss Minerva Je Wootton Department of Health end Physical Educae for Wonen Kansas State Teachers College Pittsburg, Kansas ‘Dear Miss Wootton: Iam sorry that the rush of administrative work end Varsity basketball practice has kept me from answering — kind favor of November 8~e I feel that your program plan is very interesting, but I am not sure thet I could suggest someone in Topelm, Kansas who would fill the bille Would it not be better to draft them from Topeka rather than from small ‘toms arounde : Perhaps Mre Merk Dramer, the Seeretary of the Chamber of Commerce in Toveka, would be a valuable man to suggest some names, or Mre EeAe Thomas, the Commissioner of the Kansas State High School Activities Association, might help youe Also Mre Van Slyck, the Principal of the Topeka High Sehool could probably offer sone suggestions. We have a number of very young and promising people in the fields Dorothy Je Willicuts, one of our physical education majors who is teaching in the Jumior High School here in Lawrence, and whose home is in Topeka, would make a very excellent speakers also Maurice Cameady, who is another one of our star physical education majors teaching in the same Junior High Schools These two people would be splendide if I ean serve you further please command mee Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and necreation Varsity Basketball Coach FPCAsig PeSe Your card ws received today after this letter had been written. KANSAS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE W. A. BRANDENBURG, A. M., LL.D., PRESIDENT PITTSBURG, KANSAS November 8, 1940 Dr. F. G. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: As chairman of the Major Students Section for the Kansas Health and Physical Education Association Meeting to be held in Topeka March 28 and 29, I am making tentative plans for the program, and am writing for your suggestions as to speakers. After some discussion among our majors here, I find that they seem to want practical and useful material and suggestions, and that they enjoy short talks. Therefore, I am planning to have two groups of talks, the first by representative towns- people of average sized towns and schools, and the second group to be given by young teachers in the field. As I understand the situation, we have no expense money provided for section meeting speakers. Could you suggest a (1) superintendent or principal (2) a Chamber of Commerce member, (3) a minister and (4) a Board of Education member from an average sized town or towns who could and would take a part in this program? As it is now planned, the talks would be only about seven to ten minutes in length. Would you also send me the names and addresses of graduates in the field (either girls or boys) who might be able and willing to make a short talk on the second half of the program? _ I would also appreciate any suggestions or criticisms you might care to make. Thank you. Sincerely yours, , Minerva J. Woo Department of Health and Physical Educ. for Women MW:GM December 13, 1940 ire Louis Walker 2108 Harriet South Minneapolis, Mimnesota Dear Mir. Talkers i am asking ir. Horace ison to send you @& roster of the teame Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach PCAsig November 29, 1940. Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Sir: With four out of five last year's men lost, it looks like you have a job on your hands, and I can understand why you are not feeling any too optimistic at this time. I would greatly appreciate your having your publicity man mail me the roster of the team. Hoping that the new men will more than fulfill all of your expectations, and come through with some pleasant surprises for you, I am Yours very truly, Louis Walker. Louis Walker, 2105 Harriet South, Minneapolis, Minn. yen BASKETBALL SERVICE NOW AVAILABLE Ratings on 30 leading Saturday night games wired you each Tuesday $5 QOPeR WEEK For an additional $5 per week--daily telephone or telegraph service on games played that night. SPECIAL NOTE TCG BASEBALL FANS: Our famous Baseball Form will again be available during the baseball scason. Jrite or wire for information regarding any of the above rating services. SU AAM FeELSs 105 Gorham Building Minneapolis, Minnesota December 19, 1940 lire Russell Le Wiley Associate Professor of Band Frank Strong University of Kansas Dear Prof. Wiley: Thank you very much for. your thoughtfulness in sending the Allen family tickets to your S3rd annwal fall concert of the University of Kansas Bands Imy I take this means of congratulating you on the wonderful performance and the exceptional crow’ that you had on such a bad night. I never saw such a string of cars rolling in »rior to an attraction unless it has been for one of the big basketbeil gamese You have done a wonderful job through the years and I wish to congratulate you very very muthe With all good wishes, I an, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Pducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAglg THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF BAND December 20, 1940 - Dr, Forest C. Allen Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Campus My dear Dr, Allen: Thank you for your good letter of December 19th, It was very thoughtful of you to write me a letter about the band concert. Considering the evening I felt that we had a very splendid au- dience and we did our best to give you something both enter- taining and worth while. With the season's greetings, I an, Yours very Russell L. Wiley jm December 20, 1940 Ure Re De Vatkins | Basketball Goach Hebraske Stete Teachers College Kearney, Nebraska — Dear Mr» Watkins; Iam sorry indeed that I did not get around to your request as of October 17 asking fer materiel 6n cports= ‘menship at besketball games. I have been unearthing some of my correspondence that should have been answered before, and I find that I have failed youe ify secretary assembled some material for me to send you, but in the rush of things, I feiled to -— it off. Please forgive mee I wish you a very Merry Yuletide and a prosperous New Years ; _ Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation PCA: lg:min Varsity Basketball Coach RANDELL D. WATKINS DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION NEBRASKA STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE 4 Se KEARNEY, NEBRASKA \ / : Ka) ¥ Vv (a \ f° LA i \ Us ; S Oct. 17,1940 Mr. Forest "Phog" Allen, Basketball Ceach University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Dr. Allen: Back to the old job again after spending a year at the University of Southern California and am I glad to be back. I can hardly wait to start basketball practice. I suppose you have already started working your boys?? I think my material is going to be a little better than I had the last two years. I am looking for some material on whith I could meke a talk before assembly oncDec.3, on sportsmanship etc. at basketball games, Two years received some mimeographed material on this same subject from the National Basketball Rules committee, that is I think it was from them, and in going to school last year I have evidently misplaced it. I thought possibly you would have the same material or could loan me some which I could use. If you have anything I could use will you please send it to me or tell me where L could get it. : Wishing you a very successful season, I am Singerely yours, Kid. Walp R. D. Watkins Basketball coach FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING Co. POTOMAC AND DE KALB STREETS SAINT Louris, Mo. R. E. WEINZETTEL SALES PROMOTION MANAGER December a5 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog"; I have your letter of the 20th, with reference to the pos- sibility of getting together with you next year, during the summer holidays, and agree with you that there is lit- tle we can do at this time toward reaching an agreement. Suppose we let it ride, as you suggest, and try to discuss this thing when next we meet. I will keep this file ahead of me for attention sometime at the close of the first half year of school. Kindest regar REW: je a STEEL LOCKERS____ STEEL WARDROBES____STEEL SHELVING___GYMNASIUM APPARATUS____GYM SEATS____BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS____PLAYGROUND APPARATUS