KANSAS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE W. A. BRANDENBURG, A. M., LL.D., PRESIDENT PITTSBURG, KANSAS November 8, 1940 Dr. F. G. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: As chairman of the Major Students Section for the Kansas Health and Physical Education Association Meeting to be held in Topeka March 28 and 29, I am making tentative plans for the program, and am writing for your suggestions as to speakers. After some discussion among our majors here, I find that they seem to want practical and useful material and suggestions, and that they enjoy short talks. Therefore, I am planning to have two groups of talks, the first by representative towns- people of average sized towns and schools, and the second group to be given by young teachers in the field. As I understand the situation, we have no expense money provided for section meeting speakers. Could you suggest a (1) superintendent or principal (2) a Chamber of Commerce member, (3) a minister and (4) a Board of Education member from an average sized town or towns who could and would take a part in this program? As it is now planned, the talks would be only about seven to ten minutes in length. Would you also send me the names and addresses of graduates in the field (either girls or boys) who might be able and willing to make a short talk on the second half of the program? _ I would also appreciate any suggestions or criticisms you might care to make. Thank you. Sincerely yours, , Minerva J. Woo Department of Health and Physical Educ. for Women MW:GM