Desember 12, 1940 Miss Minerva Je Wootton Department of Health end Physical Educae for Wonen Kansas State Teachers College Pittsburg, Kansas ‘Dear Miss Wootton: Iam sorry that the rush of administrative work end Varsity basketball practice has kept me from answering — kind favor of November 8~e I feel that your program plan is very interesting, but I am not sure thet I could suggest someone in Topelm, Kansas who would fill the bille Would it not be better to draft them from Topeka rather than from small ‘toms arounde : Perhaps Mre Merk Dramer, the Seeretary of the Chamber of Commerce in Toveka, would be a valuable man to suggest some names, or Mre EeAe Thomas, the Commissioner of the Kansas State High School Activities Association, might help youe Also Mre Van Slyck, the Principal of the Topeka High Sehool could probably offer sone suggestions. We have a number of very young and promising people in the fields Dorothy Je Willicuts, one of our physical education majors who is teaching in the Jumior High School here in Lawrence, and whose home is in Topeka, would make a very excellent speakers also Maurice Cameady, who is another one of our star physical education majors teaching in the same Junior High Schools These two people would be splendide if I ean serve you further please command mee Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and necreation Varsity Basketball Coach FPCAsig PeSe Your card ws received today after this letter had been written.