November 27, 1940 Mr. Yekb Woodward Webb Woodward & Coo 635 Jackson Topeka, Kansas Dear Webbs I was mighty happy to have your good letter of the 26th instant, and you can rest assured that had I been in a position te attend such an occasion I would have been theres _ reeeived a letter fran Major Williem Brady, who was stationed here at the niversity before he went to Hawaii, and he wrote me that he had a man in his outfit named Tom Woodward who was from the University of Kansas I did not lmow that fom was located there.. I knew tijor Brady when he ws @ mere tiny tot in Independence, Missouri, In fact, I lived next door to him when he was born. The Bradys ere fine people and I am very fond of thems ; | ; I wish for you and yours @ happy Holiday season With all good wishes, I em, Fraternally yours, — Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FOAslg