Docenber 11, 1941. Mre Virgil Wise, Battery Cc = 32 CoAeT.B., Camp Wallace, Texas. Dear —_ Tt was a pleasure to receive your very inter- esting and friendly letter of November 20th. When you come to Lawrence during your furlough et Christmas time we will outfit you and let you scrimmage against | our varsity - or I moan against your varsity. Bob will be home and he will want to soriumage, end Mit will also want to work out, aad hed winced cae d Te 2 ee ee . I am glad tat you aie enjoying your wuvies z can appreciate the fact that there are so many college boys in the Army. You can give them a lot of pointers on the fundamentals of foot work, passing, pivoting, and so forthe : 1 ax leaving today for Todge City for a two-day basketball clinic. Next week on Wednesdey we open cundik with a: Ged seated Senar @iceatey teen wm he Auditorium. I am sending you @ schedule. Wo certainly want you beck with ws when th fuss is over. with Kindest personal. regarde, I am Very sincerely yours, f | Direotor of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketbell and Baseball Coach. (Al! ao ye : eS 6 ce) , _ mo Me. ZO, /P#/ Vig hear In, Mew: A. appreciated tht basketball ahoce whieh pee pene Le aard me wth core lee /0, jvc was a glob lr ear for Alt aul Out thug noticed eyproriall, Geol fer arch ahete, rh <4. 2 gyn ae ere the posit fovtirerhe passing Sax orheig frriverd ly th ne hin. ch can. enter K. 2, pac ft wow Ae oe te acthorl, Entw though — Lt— Aare i... will Me plork mice Le backs Ss eee oud am Loobeg forward b _hawig mat uth you Hore, and porkgte tM We Faye on He apitad) hells for A pirt, avich te obit guicch, hecaccar Ham gorig phe hark t hetlilron when & get bach .. Chat pay haute tut. AL Lhe © wrt 2 Qt & at cl TA ae 2 Cone, Deodmber 5, 1941] Mr. Bud Weidick Snowden-Mige Athletic Bquipment Co Atchison, Kansas Dear Bud, I noticed the splendid whipcord "KX" jacket that Mrs. Webster was wearing and was greatly intrigued by it. The first time that you are in Lawrence, Kansas I want to talk to you about your ordering one for me. I think it would be swell to coach baseball in in the spring, so when it is convenient for you, Bud, drop in. I want to give you my speci- fications. _ Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pe Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach November 28, 1941. Mrs. A, T. Walker, 16465 Louisiana St., Lawrence, Kansas. . Dear Mra. Walker: ‘Iam writing to you informally to tell you that it will be a great pleasure for me to bring Mra. EB. He Lindley and Mra. R. D. O'Leary to the Seventieth Anni- versary Dinner of Friends in Council on December fifth. Mra. Allen, as you know, is in the east visiting Very sincerely yours, , Direotor of Physical Riusation and Recreation, PCAsAH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. November 19, 1941 Ur. Louis Walker 2103 Harriet Avenue South + 305 Minneapolis, Minnesota Dear Mr. Walker, I em enclosing a mimeographed copy of our basketball schedule for the year 1941-42. Our printed schedules are not as yet ready. — Our team this year is larger than last year’s teem, but the boys © are youngers We lost our Three Musketeers, Bob Allen, Howard Engleman, and John Eline. All three greduated in dime. Bob Allen is now studying medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Howard - Engleman is with the Phillips Petroleum Co. in Bartlesville, Okla., end John Kline is in the services . Yone of our boys graduate at mid-year. Of cours: some of them may be called to the army at any time, but it is our policy to play ball with Uncle Sen and pay as little attention to this as possible. We feel that these boys will be much better off if they go ahesd and prepare for the season whether or not they may have to leave before Ralph and Dick Miller, Ray Bvans, end Don Ettinger are out’ for football, as are a few of the other boys on the squad. Ralph Was out last year with e bad knee, but is back this year as a senior in better condition then he has been for some tine. The first year that he attended the University his knee wes injured and last year he was operated upon and had the cartilege removed. I believe that. the knee tas heeled and thet his condition now is highly satisfactory. For the first time in several years we have amumber of big boys. Our teems of late yoars have been small. However, so many of the team members are sophomores we find that we lack the experience which proves so valuable. | Kansas, however, is ready to put up a battle this year, and we are looking forward to a fairly good season. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Fca/pg Versity Basketball and Baseball Coach ~ November 15, Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Varsity Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allen: As in past years, the writer would appreciate your sending me your basketball schedule for the coming season. How does the team compare to last year's in height and speed? : I suppose with Uncle Sam taking his quota, the V line-up will look a lot different this year. 4 rArye Are any of the boys on the squad slated for the 7 4. 4 > Army before the end of the school year, or are 10- any of them graduating at mid-year? di ee dS cA Wishing the squad a successful season, I am f A ee Caen Yours very truly, Jeavte [ale Louis Walker. Louis Walker 2103 Harriet Avenue South Apartment 305 Minneapolis, Minnesota November 17, 1941 Mr. Walter Wiedman 1304 McGee Kansas City, Mo. Dear Mr. Wiedman, I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of even date. . Due to an error in our office we failed to get a carbon copy of your letter to Mr. Earl Falkenstien whe is the Financial Secretary of the Athletic Association. I have just gone into his office now and you will hear from him immediately. He is laying the four tickets aside for you and will write you tonight. I regret this incident although we do not have anything to do with ticket sales. However, we are always very happy to be of any service to our patrons. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach November 12, 1941 Prof. Jeseph Wilkins Frenk Strong Hall Casapus Dear Joe, Absent-nindedly I forget te congratulate you on Mrs. Wilkins and her marvelous rendition last Sunday afternnon. Please convey the Allens’ sincerest wishes for her success. Her singing was beautiful. ; your rehearsal Thursday afternoon, Nov. 13. We will be gled to get over at five o'clock. It is a great pleasure to cooperate with you. Sincerely yours, . ae : Director of Physical Education and Recreation FcA/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach floverber 18, 1941 | Prof. Jd. d. Wheeler Lawrence Memorial Hospital Lawrence, Kansas Dear Professor Wheeler, Until I saw Mr. Herbert Marms at the Aggie game last Saturday I did not know that you were ill. Ur. Harms told me that you have been in the hospital for two weeks. = wat ap aeeey Se en ee see you in the near future. Tomorrow I heave a speaking engag ment at Minneapolis, Kansas at a Lions Club banquet, but I “Twill run out to the hospital as soon after that as I can possibly ar- range it and have @ nice visit with you, — Hoping that you are feeling much better and wishing for you e — ee | | Very sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FcA/pg : Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach November 10, 1941 Battery ¢ 32nd CATR 7 Camp Wellace, Texas Dear Virg, We are sending you with our compliments a pair of Size 9 ; basketball shoes. I was very happy to hear of the fine ; progress that you were making and it is always a real pleasure to learn that one of your boys is doing well. Re-= member, I am expeoting great things from you, Virg. Write me @ line and let me hear from youe: Our basketball squad is going along fairly well, but I assure you that we miss your. I know you would have made your letter and not only that, but you would have been e dandy quarterback on cur team this year I believe. Rememenber, when this fuss is over we will be counting on you to. - veturn to the old stand and fill this place left vacant by you. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FcA/pe _ Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF BAND November 3, 1941 Dr. Forest C. Allen Chairman University Committee Lawrence Community Chest Drive University of Kansas Campus Dear Dr. Allen: Congratulations on your fine report of October 29th. I am de- lighted to know that the chest drive is over the top again and you are to be highly congratulated for your splendid leader- ship in carrying out this worthy campaign, oe yours very sincerely, J \ \ \ Russell L. Wiley jm October 50, 1941. Mr. Bill Winey, 1607 Crescent Road, Lawrence, Kansas. ‘Dear Bll: T want to congratulate you on the business-like manner in which you have submitted your report on work done on the > golf course. I eam very proud of you, Bill. I realize, of course, that the assistance you get will not be as expert as you, but I am sure that with your super- vision the golf course will be in fine shape. I want you to keep up the good work. On November 6th, particularly, we want the course to be in tip-top condition. Wiss Patty Berg, the ranking woman golfer, and Miss Helen Detweiler, will be here for a demonstration on our University course, and I want you to have it looking as fine as possible. Our irregular payroll is turned in at the Business Office on the 24th of each month, and the checks are avaii- able about the 10th of the following month. For that reason it will be necessary for us to hold the time you submitted for Sctober until the 24th of November. Will you please keep these dates in mind, and turn in your time just prior to. She E40h so Nhat we Gam lave you on Mie payroll eth oer other employees? I have computed your time submitted for October as 19% hours - $6.83. If you you will stop in the office sometime soon I will explain it to you. Very sincerely yours, . Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FPCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. e TIME SHEET FOR OcTober WORKER---- Bill WINEY 3a. PLACE OF Work... UMIVERSI(TY GoLF COURSE SEP O71. 9 2 64 Fo OA. 13---~- = -. L WOURS Ott 8 MOORS. | 64 ° O15 \ 5 HOORS p13 E a Ot R22 - = ee ana Hf —— prge Ys 3 a se aan COMMENT S f bee Cpe Aes / ry 7 Shes me StK of Meher ne bo ae: ah Buda. wee Ca Kieghl sa nn bea Cars opel ene 32 notte. Chat —~ hater e “ea ee bh oes te Bch onda Chilo ews cilia Sept. 25, 1941 Mr. Bill Winey, va. c/o Mr. Dick Widiiens Watkins Estate Lawrence, Kansas Dear Bill, Ralph Herman, whose address is 1042 Ohio and whose tele- phone number is 2584 and who is an N.Y.A. student here at the University has been assigned to help you in your work on ‘the ei: ple golf course. I would like ve: y much for you to get in touch with Ralph at once and talk over your plans with him. When you have come do a definite understanding, then, I would like to have a conference with you. I would, of course, like for this meeting to be held as soon as possible. Will you please call at the office and make an appoint- ment with ay secretary for our — Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation PCA/pg Varsity Basketball Coach P.8. You can arrange with Ralph at what time he will work on the course. He is permitted to work 40 hours per month and you can work this in with his class schedule. P.C.A. “ October 23, 1941 Mr. George L. Williams Director Thornton and Minor Clinic Kansas City, Moe Dear George, I have received your letter and check dated Oct. 22 which I'm immediately turning ever to Mr. Barl Palkenstien, financial secretary of the Athletic Association. I am asking Mr. Falkenstien to attend te your order for tickets for the Missouri-Kansas game, Nov. 22 and I am sure that you will hear from him promptly. Sincerely yours, - Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/ps Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach October 23, 1941 Mr. Edgar Williams Principal Ft. Scott Junior High School Pt. Scott, Kansas Dear Mx. Willians, I am happy that you received your billfold. I am sorry about the money which you lost. I took it up hoping to have someone take one way or another on the matter, but the authorities in charge felt that there was no way to remunerate you for the loss under the circumstances. Regretting this incident and wishing you the best of success in the future I an Sincerely, | Director of Physical Education and Recreation Fca/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach ‘ JUNIOR HIGH--CENTRAL SCHOOLS EDGAR WILLIAMS, princiPpat FORT SCOTT, KANS. Oct. 15, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I received the bill fold which was taken from me this summer. Thank you. very much for sending it to me. I feel fortunate to get it back, and the various cards and papers which it contained. [I delayed writing you immediately because your letter stated you were starting on your vacation. As to the money which it contained ($14), I had requested Mr. Chandler to see what he could do about it, going on the assumption that since all summer students are required to pay an activity fee, perhaps some protective remuneration policy could be followed. The only use which I was able to make of the extra fees was the few swimming periods I spent in the pool. I appreciate your interest in the matter, and thank you for your courtesy. Sincerely yours, October 18, 1941 Mr. lyle W. Weeks _ Weeks Construction Co. Box 297, Kansas City, Kansas Dear Lyle, Your letter of the 17th instant just arrived. I am happy to , pass your order for eight tickets for the Kansas-Missouri foot~ ball game on. The tickets are 12.25 apiece which makes a total of $18 plus 10¢ for mailing insurance charges. Mr. Barl Falkenstien, the financial secretary. of the Athletic Association is in Milwaukee with the football team. They play Marquette tonight. He returns Monday morning and I will then turn this check, properly endorsed over to him and will ask him to give you éhe very best that he can at the present time. ian PLES i ae cs I notice that you live at 2000 Washington Ave. I'm glad to lmow this, because you're living in the meighborhood of my good friends, Lacey Haynes, and Tom VanCleave, Jre You should get acquainted with those two gentlemen, Lacey lives at 23500 Washington Ave. . | d , I am happy that you're in such a fine neighborhood and doing so Sincerely, | Birector of Physical Education and Recreation Fca/pg Varsity Basketball Coach ts , October 7, 1941. Mr. James He Watts, Room 1830, 60 Broadway, New York City, N.Y. Dear Mr. Watts: I was cleaning off my desk and found your letter dated February 24th, 1941, stating that you had been unable te procure a pair of Kelley pads, and that you wrote me asking if I could secure them for yous You may not care for them now, but I am writing you to see if you still desire them. If you do I will see if I cannot get Kelley to ship you a pair. Last year they cost $1.00 a piece, or $2.00 a pair. Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH | Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. February 24th, 1941 Dear Dr. Allen: I wrote to you some time ago requesting information as to the knee pads worn by some of your players. You instructed me to get in touch with ir. Kelley at the University of lexas for further informa- tion. This morning I received word from Mr. Kelley to the effect that it would be impossible to procure a pair of these pads since they were more or less in an "experimental stage". I realize that this is an imposition on you and + dislike to annoy you with these inquiries, but 1 was wondering if you might happen to have a pair of these pads in reserve. tf you could possibly arrange to procure a pair of these pads for me 1 would be very appreciative and will you send you a check or money order in payment for them. Please pardon me for being a little persistent but 1 would like very much to secure these pads if it is at all possible. Thank you again for your much appreciated help, I am Very cordially yours, H Nae 80 Broadway, Room 1830 JHW:J New York City Sept. 50, 1941 Ure Je F. Ward District Manager . Pirestone Tire Company 2001 Grand Avée Kansas City, ice Dear Mr. Ward, I have received from you a number of times your form letter. / asking for the names of friends who might like to avail themselves of your "Seve-A-Life"” campaign. It has never been my policy to subject ny friends to these “bull dog” business men. I feel that a satisfied buyer is the best advertisement for a product. I bought my tires from Roger Allen who is a fine fellow and if it had not been for him I probably would not have bought them. I am pleased with the tires, although I find that the car rides a little rougher. But this insurance against blow-outs makes for safer driving and I hope some time soon that this will be standard equipment for every car. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation PCA pE Varsity Basketball Coach 2 KANSAS CITY DISTRICT 2001 GRAND AVE. \ Kansas City, Missour! KANSAS CITY, MO. ae September 10, 1941. ( ee GENERAL OFFICES Harvey S.FIRESTONE FIRESTONE BOULEVARD FOUNDER MEMPHIS, TENN. a Ps Mr. Forrest ©. Allen c/o University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allen: At the outset of this writing, we are wondering how many bad experiences from blowouts you have saved your friends in the years to come by cooperating with us during the last four months in bringing the Life Protector story to them. We hear every day of possible accidents being converted into simple incidents with the "Safti-Sured Replacement for Ordinary Tubes" which is an ever-ready sefety sentinel. This shall be our last request for the names of your friends who have not yet availed themselves of this pro- tection. Perhaps there are a couple more who have come to your mind since we last wrote to you. Will you kindly list them below and accept our thanks for your indulgence in this "Save-A-Life" campaign. I am sure that the local dealer where you purchased your Life Protectors also appreciates your cooperation. Yours v, DISfRICT MANAGER MAY WE | | MAKE USE NAME ADDRESS OF CAR YOUR NAME P.S. Return envelope is enclosed. GENERAL OFFICES Harvey S.FIRESTONE FIRESTONE BOULEVARD MEMPHIS,TENN,. FOUNDER KANSAS CITY DISTRICT 2001 GRAND AVE. KANSAS CITY, MO. Kansas City, Missouri October 3, 1941 Mr. Forrest C. Alien, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Dear Myr. Allen: I thank you for your letter commenting on the value of our Life Protectors, ami I know that if you are satisfied with them you will not hesitate to mention it to some of your many friends and acquaintances. In doing so, I am sure you would be doing some- thing worth-while for your friends and something that Roger Allen and ourselves would appreciate. Again thanking you for your letter and your expression of confidence in the value of these Life Protectors, I am JFW:5