2 KANSAS CITY DISTRICT 2001 GRAND AVE. \ Kansas City, Missour! KANSAS CITY, MO. ae September 10, 1941. ( ee GENERAL OFFICES Harvey S.FIRESTONE FIRESTONE BOULEVARD FOUNDER MEMPHIS, TENN. a Ps Mr. Forrest ©. Allen c/o University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allen: At the outset of this writing, we are wondering how many bad experiences from blowouts you have saved your friends in the years to come by cooperating with us during the last four months in bringing the Life Protector story to them. We hear every day of possible accidents being converted into simple incidents with the "Safti-Sured Replacement for Ordinary Tubes" which is an ever-ready sefety sentinel. This shall be our last request for the names of your friends who have not yet availed themselves of this pro- tection. Perhaps there are a couple more who have come to your mind since we last wrote to you. Will you kindly list them below and accept our thanks for your indulgence in this "Save-A-Life" campaign. I am sure that the local dealer where you purchased your Life Protectors also appreciates your cooperation. Yours v, DISfRICT MANAGER MAY WE | | MAKE USE NAME ADDRESS OF CAR YOUR NAME P.S. Return envelope is enclosed.