Sept. 25, 1941 Mr. Bill Winey, va. c/o Mr. Dick Widiiens Watkins Estate Lawrence, Kansas Dear Bill, Ralph Herman, whose address is 1042 Ohio and whose tele- phone number is 2584 and who is an N.Y.A. student here at the University has been assigned to help you in your work on ‘the ei: ple golf course. I would like ve: y much for you to get in touch with Ralph at once and talk over your plans with him. When you have come do a definite understanding, then, I would like to have a conference with you. I would, of course, like for this meeting to be held as soon as possible. Will you please call at the office and make an appoint- ment with ay secretary for our — Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation PCA/pg Varsity Basketball Coach P.8. You can arrange with Ralph at what time he will work on the course. He is permitted to work 40 hours per month and you can work this in with his class schedule. P.C.A. “