~H.-G. Angwin, President J. J. Wilson, Secretary-Treasurer THE RAPID TRANSIT CO. 1818 MASSACHUSETTS PHONE 388 LAWRENCE, KANSAS November 22, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Direetor of Physieal Baveetion Varsity Basketball Coseh University of Kansas Lawrenee, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Mr. C. G. Bayles has forwarded to the writer the letter you have reeently written to him eoneerning the ehanging of our bus stop on the west end of the eampuSe We shell give the matter eonsiderable thought and try to work it out to the mutual advantage of our passengers who board this bus at this partieular stop and of the automobile traffie. Thank you very much for your suggestion. We appreei- ate very mueh the interest that many of you fine people have shown in our system here in Lawrenee. Very truly yours, R _ 60. _~ J./dJe Wilson, Mer. jiw/ve