December li, 1941. | Mire de Je Wilson, Manager, The Rapid Transit Co., Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Wilson: Mr. Ce Ge Bayles has shown me your letter to him as of November 22nd. The reason I wrote to Mr of the traffic hazard caused by the bus making a stop se close to the turn at the west ond of the campus. I _ Suggest that the bus move about fifty feet forward. The cars ere cutting to the left of the circle silt pavpin Souditg Bim tho deeih Wak wee’ an vieote going to the east makes it a bottleneck when the bus stops. If your driver could stop fifty feet further down it would be as casy for the passengers, and would Gefinitely relieve a bad traffic situation. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.