December 16, 194). . Mr. Larry Winn, dre, Sports Editor, WEB, Soarritt Building, © Kangas City, Mo. Dear Larry: x mas hap, to hear from yous a and I trust you will find it possible to get over over ‘to ¥ some of our Genese I have talked to Mr. Palkenstion about the policy of obliging sports armouncers with tickets, and he informs me that since practically all the seats are sold ‘they do not feel they can give out complimentary tickets for this purpose. Your dad’s °K" ticket, of course, will be available. The only cost on that will be the tax. I be- lieve, Larry, if your dad did not plan to use his "K" ticket that you could go in on that. However, the tickets are going so fast that it would be well to contact lir. Falkenstien — about a reservation at the earliest possible moment. | With best wishes to you and your good dad, I em Praternally yours, Director of Physical Fducation and Recreation, FPCA:AH : Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.