George Andretys Kanopolis, Kansas May 8, 1940 Mr. Forrest Allen Lawrence, Ks. Dear Mr. Allen: In the earley twenties, when I was a student at r.U., we were havtne a ralley in the new stadium on the evening before a home coming,football game. You wave a fine talk and during your talk you quoted a Whitney, I think, kk The auotation ended somethine like this, " Whether Ye win, or whether Yeu lose; prey God Ye be a man.” I have to make a talk to some young people the last of next week and think that I could use the whole suotation to an advantace. If you could recall the author and the cuotation, and mail to me in the inclosed envelope, I would thankryou very.much. : I have a cousin, Bill Cochrane, who graduates from Salina High Sehool this spring. If he has not been called to your attention as possible timber for a K.U. athlete, I would sugegestyou incuire about his performance in high school. I realize that a hierh school record does not nromise us that the college nerformance will be successful,but I do think that his ability with a couple of years of training will make him as good as the average football or basketball player. If you are interested in him I will be elad to use my influence to ret him to attend .U. Trusting that I may get this information from you, I want to thank you in advance. Sincerely yours, desage Lal.