April 4, 1942. Mr. Max White, Sledd Building, Lyons, Kansase Dear Max: : As I have it plemed now I will drive to Lyons because I have morning classes up until 12:20. I will get away soon efter that and will arrive in ample time. Thank you for putting off the time as late es you did. I will leok you up as soon as I get to town. If I should change any plens and decide to take the train I will call you, but I believe now that 1 will ge through with the aforementioned plane dwaiting the pleasure of being with you, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCAsAH : Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. New York Life Insurance Gompany April 3, 1942 MAX WHITE SLEDD BUILDING LYONS, KANSAS TELEPHONE 212 Dr. Forrest C. Allen D rector of Physical Ed. Kensas University L wrence, Kans. Dear Phog: It sakes we K. U. folk around here mighty haodoy that you wiil be with us on next Tues. Evening. Your willingness is a wellknown fact, and a willing horse gets ridden, they say. %o while we realize that you are putting out extra effort to be with us, we want you to know that we appre- ciate it very much. I hope that you heve solved the travel problem. If you would prefer to come on the train, I would be happy to meet you in either Ellsworth or Mcpherson. We could get you on a Santa Fe at Sterling at something aiter eleven that night. It might be more restful than driving. - At my suggestion they have changed the time of the meeting to seven. I thought that perhaos you might need the extra half- hour to get here without hurrying. Anticipating with pleasure our visit with you, I am Sincerely Yours, Weiss. April 25 1942. Mr. Max White, Lyons, Kansase Dear Mir. Whites Dr. Allen has asked me to write you and tell you that he has tentatively scheduled a baseball game here with Haskell for Tuesday afternoon, April 7the He also i eee April 10th and llth. The dates he will have free to come to Lyons are Monday, er Sincerely yours, Secretary to Dr. Forrest C. Allen. March 18, 1942, itr. Dave Watermulder, President, Men's Student Council, 1639 Yessachusetts St., Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Daves I have just returned from our play-off in Kansas City, and notice in Tuesday's Xensan the publicity concerning the calisthenics class. You will renerber when you were in my office I euphatioally urged you to present your program the next day so that we could make our plans with our instructors. I haven't heard from you yet, and TI feel that the Kansan carries premature publicity bde- cause no sort of a program has been worked out. Purther, I feel that wnless there is one hundred per cent participation in the class by members of the two student councils to set the example for the other students, that the whole thing will be ea failure. I notice in the paper that “those who wish to enroll may do ao by contacting the Ku Ku's, Jey Janes, the registrar's office or the athletic office". Where does the Department of Physical Hiucation come in? ‘Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Cach. * Fitness Class The War-Defense committee of the M.S.C. is sponsoring a calisthen- ics class which will start next Mon- day and continue aout weeks until May 3. The class will meet in Robinson gymnasium until the weather is warmer and then will meet outside on one of the playing fields. The class will be instructed by Dr. Forrest C. Allen and his staff. Doctor Allen says, “I think this is a great thing. We will work them hard, but everyone will have fun while working.” Enrollment started yesterday and will continue until Friday. Those who wish to enroll may do so by contacting the Ku Ku’s, Jay Janes, the registrar’s office or the athletic} office. Classes will meet twice a week at 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. every Monday and Wednesday. More than 30 campus leaders, including members of the Men’s Student Council and the W.S.G.A. Council and house presi- dents have enrolled in the class. The class will be strictly calisthenic. Orville Wright, chairman of the War-Defense committee of the M.S.C. says, “this is, in a sense, an experiment to determine whether or not the midwestern college student is concerned enough with this war to discipline himself. It is undoubt- edly true that unless this class suc- ceeds, compulsory physical training will be inducted on this campus. Demands are now being made for that compulsory training in influ- ential circles. The students by en- rolling in this course can make it successful.” Towel fee will be the regular sev- enty-five cents which entitles the student to 18 towels. The class will meet 17 times in the eight week’s period. The student is expected to furnish his own gym equipment. Sacrifices Garage Roof Phoenix, Ariz. —(UP)— Mrs. Ra- fael Herrera of Phoenix turned over to the state highway department’s scrap steel drive more than 800 old auto license plates saved to re-roof a garage. =_—-_“(__——_—_—_—_—_—— Remember Pearl Harbor! Remem- ber it every pay day! Buy US. De- fense Savings Bonds and Stamps. > \Fhree-Term a. The M.S.C. War-Defense commit- | tee meeting, at which presidents of | all university houses and activities | were requested to be present, was | held in the Memorial Union ball- room at 4:30 pm. Monday. The meeting was called to discuss | war and defense activities on the| campus, The three-term basis for Hill activities and organizations is being planned by the Men’s Student Council. There is a possibility of organized houses remaining open for the summer. The defense commit- tee is asking all houses to poll their ‘members to discover how many ‘would like to keep the houses open during summer school. Also discussed was the plan to collect current issues of magazines from organized houses to send to army camp libraries. The maga- zines will be turned in at the Un- ion building by a representative from. each house and a record will be kept at the check stand, - The new service flags were dis- played at the meeting and mem- _-kers of the men’s houses were told | how to obtain the flags for their houses. Some of those present at the meet- | ing were enrolled in the new cal- isthenics class which is to start next. Monday. | Near the close of the meeting, those present were reminded to buy defense bonds, turn in books for the | Victory book campaign, and to write letters to the men in the service. | Relay Applications Deadline Tomorrow Applications for the six freshman positions on the Kansas Relays com- mittee must be in tomorrow, March 18, Clint Kanaga, senior manager of | the committee, announced today. Kanaga said that freshman appli- | cants should address their letters of | qualification to him, room 107, Rob- inson gymnasium. Past athletic experience, first sem- | ester grades, typing ability, any other qualifications, and a schedule of afternoon classes, should be giv- en in each letter of application. March 30, 1942, My. Dd. E. Wolgast, Supte, . Marysville, Kansas. Dear Superintendent Wolgast: I have received your kind letter of March 26th end greatly appreciate your loyalty to the Univer- sity. ‘ \ I wish we were in position to send you a young men to take the place of Paul Masoner, but the Army and Nevy have made such inroads on our personnel | here that at the present time I kmow of no one we could send to Marysville. I am very sorry, because we would like very much to > te you. With best wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, ge Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Conch. | PRINCIPALS HIGH SCHOOL R. F. ROWLAND BOARD OF EDUCATION R. K. KINSLEY, PRESIDENT DR. E. B. HINSHAW, VICE-PREsS. ANDREW HAHN A. L. PARK ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS CENTRAL R. R. RIDLER WILL C. KING NINA KIRKWOOD GEORGE B. GRIFFITHS, CLERK LINCOLN JOHN MOLLINGER, TREASURER MACK QO. LITTLE Marysville Public Schools D, E. WOLGAST, SUPERINTENDENT Marysville, Kansas March 26, 1942 Dr. BF. C. Alsen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I suppose you have heard that Paul Masoner has joined Tunney's corps of Physical Education instructors. His enlistment necessitates our finding a good man to carry on his work for the balance of the year. Also if we can find the right man we would be glad to give him every consideration for next fall. Paul has been doing an excellent job with his Physical Education classes and we are particularly anxious to keep the good work going. Could you recommend anyone to complete the remaining six weeks of our school year, starting on Tuesday, April 7? We would be willing to pay any reasonable salary and make any other inducements, which would help us to complete the current year. Please let me hear from you. Congratulations on a fine basket ball season, and with kindest personal regards, I am Sincerely yours, DEW :MMG [ At J Bonen 1 MEN’S STUDENT COUNCIL [ oS UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS j : A fy i td ane LAWRENCE, KANSAS pr LA a. C. a me March 19, 1942 Dr. F. C. Allen, Director Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: THis afternoon I was in your office to give you the letter you requested, and your secretary gave me the letter you had written that morning. I deeply regret that a misunderstanding has arisen. We planned to send you a letter on Monday, but after the morning rally we thought it best to wait until you returned, and in the meantime quietly go ahead, assuring you of more specific and definite details. On Monday afternoon we called a meeting of campus leaders, and enrolled many of them in the calisthenics class. It was our idea to quietly enroll a nucleus of student leaders, and then, after they were enrolled, to speak to you, get a quotation or possibly a whole story from you, and release the complete plans to the Kansan. Unfortunately, the Kansan did not withhold the story as we had planned, and consequently the premature story of which you speak was printed. It was our plan not to re# lease any story until full plans were made, including the names of campus leaders whose participation would add prestige to the class. Byt as you know far better than I do, newspaper reporters often miscontrue the best of plans. Our plan was to ask you if it would be possible to begin the classes Monday afternoon, March 23. But in view of the recent developments, and the remarkable basketball success (of which we are all very proud), the class of course will have to be postponed until you feel you can make the necessary arrangements. We mve notified the newspaper of the postponement. As indicated in the MSC Questionnaire, and from the general student reaction, it appears most desireable to make this strictly a rigid calisthenics class, in which the students are drilled and toughened solely in calisthenics. If possible, I should like to arrange an appointment with you for Monday, March 23, which, I understand, is the earlist date that you will be at your office. I think you will agree with me that the class should begin at the earlisst date possible. MEN’S STUDENT COUNCIL UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE, KANSAS we From our investigations, it appears that the most popular time for the class would be on Mondays and Wednesdays at 4:30 o'clock. The other days conflict with laboratories, glee clubs, etc. Again, may I express my regrets that the situation got out of hand. Interest in the class is running high with many students, and I am confident it can be a success. We are deeply grateful to you for your willingness and cooperation in the setting up of these classes. When- ever we can be of assistance, please feel free to call on us. 7 Dave Watermulder, president Men's Student Council March 16, 1942. Mr. Max White, Lyons, Kansas. Dear Max: , I am enclosing copies of a letter I have received from Donaldean Maison and my reply to him. I thought you would be interested in these developments. I em very thankful to you for your kindness to me and to Donaldean.— With best wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, | _ Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. March 16, 1942. Ur. Willian Vendt, DeFaul University, _ 1010 Webster Ave., Chisago, Illinois. Dear Coach Wendt: I owe you an apolozy for not answering your first letter. I do not want you to think that I am a fellew who fails to acknowledge communications. For a great number of years I was very active in the Basketball Coaches Association, and wes and em now tremendously interested in the welfare of the game. How~ ever, there is a certain group who seem to speak for the Coaches Association at the present time that I camot go along with. I was named chairman of the Basketball Rules Committee of the Coaches Association without my knowledge. As soon as I received notification I told them that I did not care to serve. I will not be present at New Orleans, and rogret that under the conditions I am not greatly interested in the way the determining members are handling the situation. Very sincerely yours, Director of Phystal Education and Recreation, PCAsAH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. ‘NELSON NorGREN E. A. KELLEHER Epwarp J. Hickox _ W. H. Browne \, President First Vice-President Second Vice-President Third Vice-President i THE NATIONAL ASS SF BASKETBALL COACHES | MarsHatt Dresoip, Secretary-Treasurer Nace Sone Y De Paul University ? Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota x | 5 , 1010 .Webster Ave., Chicago, Ill. Dear Dr. Alten: In checking the list cof members of ‘he National Associa- tion of Basketball Boathes for my territory, I find you are among t he missing. Tine is drawing near to our convention, % which will be held in New Orle ans, Louisiana, March 19, 20, end 21. Would you please try to attend.this convention so that you can assure iyourself of the good you can receive by ae it being a regular member. of this organization? cot it is impossible for you to attend the convention e this year, would you be. so kind as to join the Adhere elion now when your vote is needed to dbermine new ideas abdut ~ rule changes, suRtauea rate oP equipment, and offidating. The membership dues aretwo dollars (2.00) a yeer 5 which includes our.monthly publication. Checks covering ie bership dues may “be mailed to’me at the above address or. to Mr. Marshald. Diebold, Secretary-Tréasurer, Carlton College, Northfield, Minnesota. | Sincerely yours, Uvbsu lbbudt William Wendt. Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 19, 20, 21, 1942 OFFICERS W. H. BROWNE, Third Vice-President University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. MARSHALL DIEBOLD, Secretary-Treasurer Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. NELSON NORGREN, President University of Chicago, Chicago, IIl. E. A. KELLEHER, Férst Vice-President Fordham University, New York, N. 4 EDWARD J. HICKOX, Second Vice-President FRANK W. KEANEY, Editor-in-Chief Springfield College, Springfield, Mass. Rhode Island State College, Providence, R. I. BOARD OF DIRECTORS NaT HOLMAN, College of the City of New York, New York, N. Y.. VAL LENTZ, United States Military Academy, West Point, N. Y. _ EVERETT DEAN, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California ForREST COX, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado BLAIR GULLION, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. EDITORIAL STAFF FRANK W. Keaney, Editor-in-Chief Associate Editors: W. H. Browne, University of Nebraska Forrest Cox, University of Colorado Everett Dean, Stanford University L. W. Jourdet, University of Pennsylvania Branch McCracken, University of Indiana Adolph Rupp, University of Kentucky Osborne Cowles, Dartmouth College Neil Cohalan, Manhattan College Jack Gray, Texas University Edgar S. Hickey, Creighton University Paul Hinkle, Butler University A. J. Lewandowski, University of Nebraska MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE A. E. Haytet, Doane College, Chairman H. A. Hobson, Oregon University Osborne Cowles, Dartmouth College Karl J. Lawrence, Allegheny College William Lange, North Carolina University Elmer Lampe, University of Georgia D. C. Moffett, De Pauw University Lloyd Brazil, Detroit University Douglas R. Mills, University of Illinois Jack Gray, University of Texas G. P. Dahlberg, Montana State Wilbur Johns, University of California at Los Angeles H. G. Crisp, University of Alabama Vadal Peterson, University of Utah William Wendt, De Paul University, Chicago VISUAL INTERPRETATION COMMITTEE HIGH SCHOOL COMMITTEE H. T. McCotitouven, Crawfordsville High, Indiana, Chairman John Tracy, St. Ignatius High, Chicago Jack Lipe, Harvey, Illinois J. A. Gumsley, Mason City, Iowa Monty Banks, Seward Park High, New York City R. D. Brown, Waukegan High, Waukegan, Illinois BASKETBALL RULES COMMITTEE Forrest C. ALLEN, Kansas University, Chairman Sam Barry, University of Southern California Clarence S. Edmundson, University of Washington E. A. Kelleher, Fordham University George Keogan, Notre Dame University Ward C. Lambert, Purdue University John Lawther, Pennsylvania State Dale Lash, Wesleyan University John Mauer, University of Tennessee Roy M. Mundorf, Georgia Tech. John Sabo, University of Vermont Evan O. Williams, Drake University Leonard Sachs, Loyola University, Chicago Ray a State Teachers College, Macomb, inois COACHING ETHICS COMMITTEE Jor W. Hutton, Hamline University, Chairman Bruce Drake, Oklahoma University R. G. Severance, Villanova University Sam Barry, University of Southern California L. H. Davies, University of Western Ontario, Canada N. H. Ertell, Wayne University, Detroit, Michigan Art Denney, Lawrence College, Appleton, Wis. Haroip E. Foster, University of Wisconsin, Chairman OFFICIALS COMMITTEE Nat Holman, City College, New York WE Browne, University of Nebraska Everett Dean, Stanford University Clair Bee, Long Island University Paul D. Hinkle, Butler University, Indiasiapolil, Indiana RESEARCH COMMITTEE Biarr GULLION, Cornell University, Chairman George Edwards, Missouri University Everett Dean, Stanford University Dave MacMillan, University of Minnesota H. V. Porter, High School Federation H. W. Read, Western State Teachers College, Kalamazoo, Michigan Franklin C. Cappon, Princeton University Ray Oost1ng, Trinity College, Chairman E. L. Romney, Utah State Henry Iba, Oklahoma A. & M. Adolph Rupp, University of Kentucky Buster Brannon, Rice Institute A. L. Powell, University of Buffalo, Buffalo, New York CONVENTION COMMITTEE Harry Rabenhorst, Louisiana State University Claude Simmons, Jr., Tulane University Jack Orsley, Loyola University H. Lee Prather, Louisiana State Normal College CONVENTION DISPLAYS Marshall Diebold, Carleton College TOURNAMENT AND OLYMPIC COMMITTEE Harotp G. Otsen, Ohio State, Chairman F. C. Allen, University of Kansas H. A. Hobson, University of Oregon Clair Bee, Long Island University William S. Chandler, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin PRESS COMMITTEE Joun Mauer, University of Tennessee, Chairman Pebruary 24, 1942. Mr. Bill Winey, dre, 1607 Crescent Road, Lewrence, Kansas. Dear Bill: Thank you for your note on the progress of your work on the golf course. You are doing fine, Bill, and I am leaving it entirely up to you to get a helper when you need someone to. load and unload the sand. We have put you on this month's payroll, and you may get your check at the University business office about the 10th of Maroh. Sdn va he ld ws Bill. If there is enything you want, let us mow. | Simerely yous, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. ILLIAM C. MARTIN, Bishop of the Omaha Area of The Methodist Church, and E. F. Buck, Superin- tendent of the Ottawa District, join in extending an invitation to you to attend a complimentary Ottawa District dinner at 6:30 Tuesday, March third, 1942, in the First Methodist Church, Ottawa, Kansas, given in honor of THE WESLEY FOUNDATIONS, for which the Kansas Conference has given au- thority to initiate and carry through a Forward Financial Movement in their behalf. We, therefore, cordially invite you to meet with us and other leaders in this District to consider together some of the plans for the future enlarge- ment of the service and equipment of our Wesley Foundations. We will then be able to give both local and Conference-wide opportunity for financial sup- port, as well as the enlistment of others in se- curing the same consideration for these fine, Christian Leadership Training and Character Building Agencies for our Methodist Youth en- rolled at the tax-supported schools. Please use the enclosed, postage paid, addressed card : for reply not later than Friday, Feb. 18th dues anh Pebruary 20, 1942. Mr. Max White, Lyons, Kansase Dear Maxs This will confirm our telephone conversation this morning regarding Donaldean Maison. He came in greatly dis- couraged and wanted to quit school, I told him that surely there was sombody at Lyons who would help him stay in school. Hoe made 5 hours of C, 24 hours of B and 6 hours of D last semester. That gives him about ten grede points. All he owes is this $30.00 for board and room. I told him if his lendlady wented all of the money right away thet I would see that she got it. I think Donealdean is a fine boy, a fine athlete and I believe he is a leader. I have confidence that he will go places. Thank you for yom kindly cooperation. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCAs AT Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. HUGO T. WEDELL JUSTICE February 14,1942. Dr.Forrest Allen, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear"Phog? I hope you got my message from the Chancellor's office this morning. I regret exceedingly that I was not able to come to Lawrence, in accord- ance with my promise over the telephone this morning. I am billed for a radio address at the First Methodist Church services tomorrow morning and by virtue of other develop- ments at the office, simply will not be able to take the time for the Chancellor's dinner or to see the ball game. Always with best wishes, 1 remain, CordiaAly yours, February 14, 1942. Justice Hage T. Wedell, Kensas Supreme Court, Topeke, Kansas. Dear “Dutch"s — Miss Hosford, the Chancellor's secretary, just called me and informed me that you would not be able to get to Lawrence today. We have a game with Iowa State on Monday night, and I em assuming that you will be here for that. Knute Kresie can see you then. If, however, you are not able to come over Monday, Knute will be able to go to Topeka on Thursday or Frie day of next week end have luncheon with yous Will you drop me a line if this arrangement suits you better? ' With best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coaches Justice Hugo T. Vedell, Kanses Supreme Court, Topeka, Sansas. Dear “Duteh"s I beg your pardon far the long delay in replying _ to your kind letter of January SOth. : I certainly have not forgotten your kind invitation _ %o stop in to see you, and I expect to do this thing at the earliest possible opportimity. With kindest regards, I an Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical. Zducation and Recreation, PCA:AH — Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coache _ HUGO T. WEDELL ih JUSTICE January 350, 1942 Forrest C. Allen, Athletic Department, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. My dear "Phog":- Your letter enclosing copy of letter from Mr.Veenker and copy of your answer thereto at hand and beg to advise 1 am greatly pleased with the information contained in them. I agree entirely with you that it will not do to simply condeem certain students who are guilty of roudyism at athletic events when such tactics continue and nobody in authority does anything about it. I hope you have not forgotten about my invitation to stop and see me the next time you are in Topeka, if it is possible for you to do so. Cordially yours, Private William G. Wade, Recruiting Detachment, Savannah Army Air Base, Savameh, Georgies Dear Bill: It was a pleasure to receive your fine letter of . Jdenuary 31. Congratulations on your appointment for the eadet school! I assure you it was a pleasure to be of any assistance we could in the matter of a reference letter. I'm glad that you hve opportunity to play basket- ball, and I wish you lots of luck. Thank you for your good wishes for our team. ‘The boys played a fine cane against Creighton last night. Wishing you the best of success, I am Very sincerely yours, , Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH _ Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Savannah, Georgia Jan. 31, 1942 oe > 7—f Dear Doc. Just to let you know that I have passed my tests for flying cadet. I took my physical a couple de of days ago and st od had my mental exam yesterdaye I when before the Cadet Board to day and recieved my appointment for cadet school.. I am very anxious to get tee flying, but don't know just how soon I will get to go. I want to thank you for your splendid cooperation with me is secur- ing the letter of referencee The Commanding Officer said the letter was one of the Best ne had ever read and I was very proud of that skins, I'm sure it helpeé me alot aa I appreciate your efforts to help me very muche T have sleea a little basketball this weare We have a pretty good team here on the campe We haven't lost a game yet and we have played some wo tough teams tooe We play other squadrons and the Players are from all over the U.S. I have seen a lot of different types of basketball as they all play a litlle different style. Some of the fellows have copied my shot,(the one you taught me) and have bettered themselves by ite I suppose you have noticed that I have been moved from Keesler Field. I have only been here a couple of weeks ? but I like it fine. This is a much better camp and theyytresat us more like white men heree They have a lot of planes here and at the preseht time I am assigned to a B-18 bomber. I like the work fine and I find it very interesting. I got to see MU. play Fordam play at Mew Orleans thts year. That sure was a swell game. [I also saw the Hast Vest game there. I really enjoyed the games and rooted for old M.U. even if they are our old rivals but they were from the big six so I gave them my best. | T like it pretty well here in the south and the people here treat us soldiers pretty nicee They give us swell dances and parties with plenty of girls invited and they are regular pips from Holleywood. Well doc I must close and get to bed, I have to get up pretty early in the morning. I want to thank you again for the letter. I hope we can get this war cleared up in a hurry. Wishing you the best of luck with your teams. Always, your friend Bill Wade Pvte William G. Wade Recruiting Detachment Savannah Army Air Base Savannah, Georgia February 10, 1942. Miss Jane Woestemeyer, 833 Missouri Street, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Jane: Congratulations to you upon the fine honor that you have won in receiving the D.A.R. Award: — I know that you are a great source of satisfaction to your parents, and we who are on the outside are also very proud of yous With best wishes for your success and happiness, I an 7 Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. 8 Ty ser Tt, ee the JS Meet ctee of Scouts n at 3 £ Com- for the é the an- aight and ‘he coming ers fifteen. ain. He will eee: week Mar- 3 Gnd RF. scout execu- orld classi- fn — ‘ week: aw eh, Aer _ _nds are usually considerea ee long enough anyway. TO GET CITIZENSHIP MEDAL Jane’ Woestemeyer Will Receive D. A. R. Award Friday — ’Presentation of the good citizen- ship medal given by Betty Wash- ington chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will be made the winner, Jane Woestemey- er, at the high school assembly, Friday morning, February 138,. at 10:30 o’clock. Sails This is the second year that the award has been made in Lawrence, the contest being open to senior girls of the high school. fy The local girl was one of three to place in the district contest. The winner among the. 18 girls receive a trip to Washington, D. C., with all expenses. paid -for: one eee er rie tear cree pre rere mene AT Acting Postmaster Named . Washington, Feb. 7. (#)—The post office department announced the appointment of Logan’ N. Garden City, Kan. competing in the state contest will with a sailor Louie was ir during the [ 'Plastered ¢ such signs ¢ from Hawaii; day,” and “I> weather; put r cold.” Swedish & Washington, navy announce Swedish ship A: pedoed off the that 11 surviv ‘York today. ‘ Need extra in: the offic classifieds. pr: | Phone 22. Enema ee AUTO ‘Payme: | BANF eee as acting postmaster at| 9272 NV aR