‘NELSON NorGREN E. A. KELLEHER Epwarp J. Hickox _ W. H. Browne \, President First Vice-President Second Vice-President Third Vice-President i THE NATIONAL ASS SF BASKETBALL COACHES | MarsHatt Dresoip, Secretary-Treasurer Nace Sone Y De Paul University ? Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota x | 5 , 1010 .Webster Ave., Chicago, Ill. Dear Dr. Alten: In checking the list cof members of ‘he National Associa- tion of Basketball Boathes for my territory, I find you are among t he missing. Tine is drawing near to our convention, % which will be held in New Orle ans, Louisiana, March 19, 20, end 21. Would you please try to attend.this convention so that you can assure iyourself of the good you can receive by ae it being a regular member. of this organization? cot it is impossible for you to attend the convention e this year, would you be. so kind as to join the Adhere elion now when your vote is needed to dbermine new ideas abdut ~ rule changes, suRtauea rate oP equipment, and offidating. The membership dues aretwo dollars (2.00) a yeer 5 which includes our.monthly publication. Checks covering ie bership dues may “be mailed to’me at the above address or. to Mr. Marshald. Diebold, Secretary-Tréasurer, Carlton College, Northfield, Minnesota. | Sincerely yours, Uvbsu lbbudt William Wendt. Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 19, 20, 21, 1942