Office of Secretary DEIRIRY. CHAMBEIS OF COMMERCE PERRY SALES DAY ASSOCIATION < - NOBLE COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION MASONIC BUILDING TELEPHONE 684 PERRY, OKLAHOMA May 1st,1942. Dr.F.C.Allen Kansas University Lawrence 9 Kansas e Dear Doctor: Our brief stop in Lawrence was made most effective and enlightening by your courteous attentions, for which we all are certainly appreciative.Some of us in Perry are attempting to interest governmental offic- ials in this spot as a location for a defense industry. We have visited a number of the fortunate places in an attempt to find out how they did the job.Now we are in the midst of briefs, Washington contacts and the like with nothing definit¢yknown.What at one time was an asset to us is now a liability in a big way;namely lands with oil leases and oily pipe lines.It is hard to find any acreage in all our trade area without leases or lines and such tracts are not acceptable for defense plant locations. Everyone here that come in contact with the boys on your basketball team are still commenting on what a fine,genteel bunch of fellows they were and we all are pleased with their successes thevlater part of the season.Bill Reckert will jump to physical violence if anyone even insinuates that they are not the finest bunch that has ever hit Perry. My office has been decidedly improved with a new,fine autographed photograph for which I am most ra meld ge TOU grateful.With kindest regards,I an