months. And then there is the task of transportation to the line of battle by truck, by railroad car, by ship. We shall joyously deny curselves so that our transportation system is improved by at least 30 percent. I need say little about the duty to fight. Some people declare, and Hitler believes, that the American paopie have grovmn soft in the last generation. Hitler agents continually preach in South America that we are cowards, matte to use, like the “brave German soldior the weapons of modern wer. Tt is true that American youth hates war with a holy hatred, But because of that fact and becauso Hitler and the German people stand as the very symbol of war, we shall fight with a tircless cnthusiasm until war and the possibility of war have becn removed from this planet. We * sna cleense the plague spot of Lurope, which is Hitler's Germany, and with it the hellshole Asia --Japan. The American pecple heve always had guts and always will have. “You know the story of Bomber Pilot Dixon and Radicomen Gene Aldrich and Ordnenceman Tony Pastula -- the story which Americans will be telling their children for generations +o illustrate man's ability %*o master any fate. These men lived for 3/. days on the open sea in a rubber life raft, eight feet by four feet, with no fooa but that which they took from the sea and the air with cne pocket knife and a pistol, And yet they lived it He ouph and came at last to the beach of an island they did not know, In baal of their cuiieoeie and weakness, they stood like men, with no weapon left te protect themselves, and no shces on their feet or clothes on thoir backs, and walked in military file be- cause, they said, “if there were Japs, we didn't want to be crawling." x The American fighting men, and all the fighting men of the United