liege Ohio Street, Lawrence, Kansas. August 14, 1941. Dr Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas. | Dear Dr Allen, I called Mitt tonight to inquire if you were in town, with the idea of imposing upon you again to the extent of asking you to write another letter for me. Mitt told me that you were out of town but that he would give me your address in the morning. If your letter hadnt been specifically asked for, and if the matter was not urgent and immediate, I would have waited until you return before bothering you. Sometime ago I put in an application with the Department of Agriculture as a special investigator for the Farm Security Administration. The duties consist of the general "F.B.I.- type" within the offices of the FSA, One goes around and sees how many of the County FSA offices have been embezzling from Uncle Sam. The salary is about twice these teaching — jobs pay, and I am desirous of getting the position. They sent a special investigator dow today for an interview. This investigator asked that I have you among others write to him concerning me. He is interested in having you state how long you have known me, ( my first correspondence thru the mail with you was the spring of 1938--relative to Bill Wade), the fact that I labored for you last summer in the Physical Education department, and whatever you can say concerning my morals, being a hard worker, ability to meet people, mature outlook on life, etc. The fact that Mitt and I have worked together a lot might do some good as it would show that you had at least some opportunity to know a little about me. : i Raa lls oe eh ie oer py a et Lay ee eee ee iy or NE aa f pe et ag Eh ge eM inet eam ya ES ORS eS : This letter should be addressed to John V. Lannan, 908 ee National Bank of South Dakota, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, : I will appreciate this a whole lot, and thank you. i A Sheldon Wingerd, 1122 Ohio Street, Lawrence, Kansas.